Can a broken tailbone cause bowel problems?

11/29/2020 Off By admin

Can a broken tailbone cause bowel problems?

Occasionally a spinal injury can occur at the same time as a tailbone injury. This type of injury is serious and requires immediate medical care. Signs of a spinal injury may include loss of bowel or bladder control, weakness in the legs, or tingling or numbness in the buttocks, genital area, or legs.

Can a bruised tailbone affect bowel movements?

A tailbone injury causes pain when you sit, especially when you slump or sit on a hard seat. Straining to have a bowel movement also can be very painful. Tailbone injuries can take several months to heal, but in some cases the pain goes even longer.

How do you poop with a broken tailbone?

If you are not constipated: Use over-the-counter stool softeners to make passing stool less painful. Your pharmacist can suggest options. Adding fiber to your diet or using fiber supplements is a long-term solution to keep your stools soft and prevent constipation. Ask your pharmacist to recommend a fiber supplement.

Why does my tailbone hurt after a bowel movement?

If you have hemorrhoids, the tissue that cushions and protects your anal opening gets inflamed and muscles pull on your coccyx. That can cause tailbone pain. Other signs of hemorrhoids include: Bleeding from your bottom.

How long does it take a bruised tailbone to feel better?

A tailbone injury can be very painful and slow to heal. Healing time for an injured tailbone depends on the severity of the injury. If you have a fracture, healing can take between 8 to 12 weeks. If your tailbone injury is a bruise, healing takes about 4 weeks.

How do you sleep with a bruised tailbone?

To lessen the pain of a broken or bruised tailbone, consider sleeping:

  1. on a firm mattress.
  2. on your side with a pillow between your knees.
  3. on your back with a pillow under your knees.

Is walking good for tailbone injury?

Sometimes, the pain can shoot all the way down your legs. Standing or walking should relieve the pressure on your tailbone and ease discomfort.

How do you tell the difference between a bruised tailbone and a fracture?

Broken tailbone vs. bruised tailbone X-rays can also reveal if the tailbone is broken or just bruised. A fracture will usually be visible on an X-ray. Although the treatment may be the same, the recovery time is longer for a fracture than for a bruise.

Does a heating pad help a bruised tailbone?

Applying warm and cold packs to the tailbone can help relieve tailbone pain. Applying heat to a bruised tailbone can help relax muscles, which can improve pain. Apply heat with a hot water bottle, a heat pack, an adhesive strip, or a heat gel. People can make a cold pack by wrapping ice packs in a towel or cloth.

What can I do to heal a bruised tailbone?


  1. Lean forward while sitting down.
  2. Sit on a doughnut-shaped pillow or wedge (V-shaped) cushion.
  3. Apply heat or ice to the affected area.
  4. Take over-the-counter pain relievers, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol, others), ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others) or aspirin.