Do Apple interns get paid?

04/14/2021 Off By admin

Do Apple interns get paid?

Apple pays its interns really, really well. Interns make $38 per hour, according to Brad, which aligns with anonymous salary reviews posted on career site Glassdoor. And, anything over 40 hours counts as time and a half, while interns make double their normal hourly wage for working more than 60 hours in a week.

What qualities make a good intern?

DO-IT Ambassador: Here are some qualities of a good intern that my professors from undergraduate and graduate school believed to be important:Strong interpersonal skills.Ability to multi-task.Taking constructive criticism well.Strong writing skills.Punctuality.Effective communication.

What strengths can you bring to an internship?

When hiring your next intern, consider these “Top 10” soft skills:Passionate. First and foremost, you don’t want an intern to just go through the motions for the next twelve weeks. Work Ethic. Entrepreneurial. Ability to Problem Solve. Self-Disciplined. Independent. A Leader. Resilient.