Do I need to register my LLC in Virginia?
Do I need to register my LLC in Virginia?
Starting an LLC in Virginia. In order to form an LLC in Virginia, you’ll need to register your business with the Virginia State Corporation Commission (SCC). The SCC also enforces naming requirements for LLCs, collects filing fees and establishes other rules that you have to follow.
How do I find the owner of a LLC in Virginia?
You can find information on any corporation or business entity in Virginia or another state by performing a search on the Secretary of State website of the state or territory where that corporation is registered.
Does Virginia require a registered agent?
A Virginia registered agent is required by law for every formal business in the state of Virginia. A registered agent receives all official paperwork from the State of Virginia, they also receive any service of process a business may be served in a lawsuit.
How do I change ownership of an LLC in Virginia?
To make changes, file a Statement of Change of Principal Office. Annual Registration Fee: Each year the business’s registered agent will receive an Annual Registration Fee Notice for $50 from the Clerk’s Office two months prior to the month the LLC was formed.
Can I file for an LLC on my own?
If money’s tight, or you don’t want to use a company formation service, we’ve got good news for you — you can form an LLC yourself. Although you’ll still need to pay your state filing fees (they’re unavoidable!), you can save on the costs of having your LLC filed through a professional incorporation business.
Can I use a virtual address for my LLC in Virginia?
Can I use a VA virtual address as my Registered Agent address? No, we do not recommend it. Generally speaking, your Virginia Registered Agent should have a real VA street address where they can receive official, legal correspondence.
Can an LLC have more than one registered agent?
You cannot be in more than one place at one time, which means you will need to have more than one registered agent. This prevents you from being your own registered agent.
How do I change ownership of an LLC?
How to Sell Your LLC and Transfer Complete Ownership
- Review your Operating Agreement and Articles of Organization.
- Establish What Your Buyer Wants to Buy.
- Draw Up a Buy-Sell Agreement with the New Buyer.
- Record the Sale with the State Business Registration Agency.
How do I change ownership of a business in Virginia?
Form R-3 (Registration Information Change Request) to:
- Report changes to business contact information – your business phone number, physical business location, or mailing address.
- Close a business location or close your business.
- End a tax-type liability.
- Report a legal business name change or a trading-as name change.