Do you capitalize the word resume in a sentence?
Do you capitalize the word resume in a sentence?
If the bullet points are not complete sentences, you are free to choose whether you want to capitalize the first word. Either every bullet in the resume should be capitalized, or every bullet should be lowercase.
Do you capitalize titles in a sentence?
Titles should be capitalized, but references to the job are not. However, if the reference to a person’s job is placed elsewhere in the sentence such as set off from the person’s name by commas or included as an earlier or later mention in the sentence it should be lowercase.
Are job titles capitalized in cover letters?
Yes, you should capitalize job titles in a cover letter. Follow the exact capitalization used in the job description or job advertisement when referring to the position to which you are applying. yes, you should capitalize job titles in a cover letter.
Should I capitalize department names on a resume?
You have to capitalize the name of the offices or establishments only when you use the official name. For instance: Department of Arts, Sciences, and Teaching Education.