Does Hamas put weapons in schools?

02/12/2021 Off By admin

Does Hamas put weapons in schools?

“They’re deliberately putting their weapon places into, next to schools, next to hospitals, into civilian areas. That’s what Hamas do,” Freeman said. “The difference between us is this: that we use our weapons to defend our civilians and Hamas uses their civilians to defend their weapons.”

Do Hamas hide weapons in hospitals?

“They are used to hide terrorist operatives, store weapons, as sites from which rockets and mortar shells are launched.”

Where does Hamas store rockets?

Israeli intelligence has estimated that Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other Palestinian militant groups have about 30,000 rockets and mortar projectiles stashed in Gaza.

Did Israel bomb a school?

Israel stated it fired on the school in response to militant gunfire believed to be coming from al-Fakhura. A UN inquiry said that there was no firing from within the school and there were no explosives within the school….

Al-Fakhura school incident
Perpetrators Israel Defense Forces

What are Hamas weapons?

Most of the effort has been in the production of unguided artillery rockets, though Hamas has built its own versions of anti-tank missiles and rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs).

How many rockets has Hamas fired into Israel?

On 10 May 2021 Hamas took credit for firing 7 rockets at Jerusalem and Beit Shemesh from Gaza, in what Hamas said was a response to injuries of over 300 Arabs in clashes with Israeli police outside al Aqsa mosque.

Where does Hamas get their weapons?

Hamas has produced the M-75 rockets in local workshops using the drawings and documentation supplied by Iran. The location of the workshops is unknown, though Hamas has displayed their production on Gaza television stations.

Why is Israel shelling Gaza?

The violence follows a month of boiling tensions in Jerusalem, where the threatened eviction of Palestinian families from their homes coincided with a spate of Arab attacks against Israeli Jews, and a march through the city by right-wing extremists chanting “Death to Arabs.”

Where do Hamas get weapons?

Though usually smuggled across the Egyptian border into the Gaza Strip and to a lesser extent Jordanian border into the West Bank, various small arms are believed to be produced in the Palestinian territories.