How did Drew Houston change the world?

11/25/2019 Off By admin

How did Drew Houston change the world?

The rise of Dropbox CEO Drew Houston, who just made the Forbes 400 after taking his company public. Drew Houston is on top of the world. His company, Dropbox, recently went public, making it Y Combinator’s first startup to ever IPO. Dropbox has taken 10 years of growth to get to the point it’s at now.

Where is Drew Houston from?

Acton, Massachusetts, United States
Drew Houston/Place of birth

Why was Drew Houston successful?

Drew Houston founded online file-sharing service Dropbox seven years ago. The firm is now estimated to be worth about $10bn (£5.9bn). But it was not an overnight success, and he had several failed ventures along the way.

How much of Dropbox does Drew Houston have?

Drew Houston is an American Internet Entrepreneur, who co-founded Dropbox and owns 25% of the company’s interests. He holds the largest individual shares of Dropbox….Drew Houston- Biography.

Name Andrew W. Houston
Position Co-founder & CEO, Dropbox
Net worth $2.46 billion (2020)
Father Ken Houston
Mother Cecily Houston

How did Drew Houston learn to code?

Dropbox co-founder Drew Houston started coding at the age of five. “The first lines of code for Dropbox were written on a bus ride,” he revealed, recalling a situation familiar to many: when you have work to do but forget to bring the necessary files to do it.

What is Drew Houston known for?

tən/; born March 4, 1983) is an American Internet entrepreneur, and the co-founder and CEO of Dropbox, an online backup and storage service….

Drew Houston
Nationality American
Education Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Occupation Businessman
Known for Co-founder and 25% owner, Dropbox

What did Drew Houston describe as his first startup business?

Houston’s early startup attempts, including an SAT-prep company. Coming up with the idea for Dropbox in an unlikely place. How he applied for (and was initially rejected by) the startup incubator Y Combinator, which would launch his company.

Who owns Dropbox now?

Drew Houston
Drew Houston is the CEO of Dropbox, a file storage and sharing service that has more than 500 million users. Houston cofounded the company in 2007, when he was 24, with MIT classmate Arash Ferdowsi. The cloud storage provider went public in March 2018, with shares jumping more than 35% on its first day.

How old is Drew Houston?

38 years (March 4, 1983)
Drew Houston/Age

What is Dropbox and do I need it?

Dropbox is a cloud storage service that lets you save files online and sync them to your devices. You can use Dropbox links to share files and folders with other people without sending large attachments. Dropbox offers a free plan that includes 2 GB of storage.