How do I change my logo in Observium?

02/16/2021 Off By admin

How do I change my logo in Observium?

$config[‘web’][‘logo’] = “custom-logo. png”; Replace Observium’s header logo with a custom logo placed in html/images/ . Observium logo will move to the bottom bar.

How does Observium discover new devices in the network?

Introduction. Observium was designed to auto-discover as much as possible. The auto-discovery process begins by using SNMP to gather information about a device. This information allows Observium to discover all the internal sensors and interfaces of this device.

How often does Observium poll?

As documented in our install guides, the correct way to run the Observium poller is by executing automatically via cron every 5 minutes.

How many seconds interval does Observium poll devices for new changes?

Perform Initial Discovery and Poll Observium operates on a fixed poller frequency of 5 minutes or 300 seconds. The poller-wrapper process must be run at this frequency will NOT work otherwise.

How do I add a device to Observium monitoring tool?

Login into Observium and go to Devices >> Add Device. Enter Hostname, SNMP version (v2c – leave the default), port number (161), and community name on this page. As recommended in Observium setup, we will add localhost (Observium server) as our first device.

What are the packages needed to run observium?

Anyways now install the packages required to run Observium: Observium runs on top of Apache, MySQL, PHP, RRD, and NetSNMP (as well as Graphviz and fping). During the package installation process, you’re going to receive a prompt to provide the MySQL Root password.

Can you install observium on a Debian server?

The instructions for the Observium Server is also available here on Observium’s Wiki. Jumping right in, we’re going to be install Observium on a Debian 7 server. This is because Observium is actually developed on Ubuntu and Debian systems.

What was the older version of observium called?

Older versions of Observium used the outdated poller.php which only created a single poller instance.

Do you need a Unix agent for observium?

Please note the application monitoring section (such as monitoring Apache, nginx, MySQL, etc.) of Observium requires the Unix Agent which, again, is not covered in this tutorial (but maybe in the future).