How do I change the style in phpBB?

02/16/2021 Off By admin

How do I change the style in phpBB?

Welcome to the phpBB community. If you want to change the board’s default style settings, you need to navigate to ACP->GENERAL tab then select the Board Settings item in the left menu. In the middle section is settings for Board style, i.e. the Default style and the Guest style.

What is phpBB script?

phpBB is one of the most widely used forum script currently on the web. It is free/open source, easy to install and administer and allows flexibility in terms of design and organization. You can learn more about phpBB from phpBB’s official website.

How do I install phpbb styles?

Browse to your board, log into with an administrator account and then browse to the Admin control panel via the link at the bottom of your board or the ACP link at the top. In the list of links on the left click the ‘Install styles’ link . Clicking this link will install the style.

How do I change the default style in phpbb?

Once the style has been installed, you can set it as the default style, if you wish. You will need to go to the “Styles” option under the Customise tab and click “Details” to get to the screen where you can set it as your default.

How do I import capture 1 Styles?

Installing individual Styles or Style Packs is simple. After purchasing and downloading Styles from the Capture One store, go to Adjustments -> Styles -> Import Styles and select Styles or a Style Pack from your downloads folder or another destination.

How to change the default logo in phpBB 3.0?

PhpBB 3.0 includes an editor that allows you to change the logo for the theme you are currently using. Follow the instructions below to learn to change your board logo in phpBB 3.0. Replacing the Default Logo in phpBB

Where do I upload my Logo in phpBB?

Uploading Your Logo Using your FTP or SSH client, you need to upload the image to: /styles/prosilver/theme/images/. You can name your image the same as the default logo site_logo.svg in phpBB 3.3.x or site_logo.gif in phpBB 3.1.x and 3.2.x, or give it a different name.

Where do I save the colours in phpBB?

Save and upload the colours.css and the common.css files, to the same location on your server, using your FTP client (overwriting the existing files). From the ACP, Purge the board cache. The button to do that is on the right side of the main screen.

How do I change the colour of my board logo?

Save and upload the colours.css (or the stylesheet.css file, if your style inherits from prosilver) and the common.css files, to the same location on your server, using your FTP client (overwriting the existing files). From the ACP, Purge the board cache. The button to do that is on the right side of the main screen.