How do I check Sybase version?

04/11/2020 Off By admin

How do I check Sybase version?

open command prompt in the Cognos server where the Content manager is installed, type in “isql -v” without the double quote. You will get the version displayed within the command prompt.

What is the latest version of Sybase?

SAP announced in 2018 the EoMM for release 16.0 – the final version of Sybase/ASE – at the end of 2025.

How do I find my Sybase database name?

To identify the instance name, check the sql. ini file on the Sybase ASE server. ISQL -S server -D database -U user -P password should work fine when executed to connect to the Server.

How do I check my DB status in Sybase?

Checking server status

  1. Open the multiplex folder.
  2. Select the Servers tab to view server status. The Servers tab lists details shown in Table 2-3.
  3. Status displays are not instantaneous and depend on network latency. To refresh the status display, select View > Refresh Folder from the main menu bar.

Is Sybase still supported?

Is Sybase support for on-premise SAP ASE ending in 2025? No. Support is not ending. We are planning a new release (version 16) for SAP ASE in 2020 and have committed to supporting additional releases beyond the published end-of-maintenance date of 2025.

What is Isql?

isql is a command line tool which allows the user to execute SQL in batch or interactively. It has some interesting options such as an option to generate output wrapped in an HTML table. iusql is the same tool with built-in Unicode support.

How do I upgrade Sybase 15.7 to 16?

Upgrade SYBASE ASE database from 15.7 to 16.0

  1. Upgrade Preparation. Execute preupgrade utility from /sybase/SID/upgrade.
  2. Install ASE 16.0 to /sybase/SID. It will install all the binaries to the required directories.
  4. Execute $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/bin/sqlupgrade.

Is Sybase end of life?

(Sybase/SAP ASE version 15.7 gets until Dec. 31, 2020; version 16.0 – which has not been substantially updated since its release five years ago –until Dec. 31, 2025).

How do I find my Sybase port number?

  1. Login to Unix/Linux server.
  2. Navigate to $SYBASE directory.
  3. View the interfaces file. For example, you can find the host and port for the interfaces below: nc-suppsun% more interfaces. suppsun1252. master tcp ether 4200. query tcp ether 4200. ncpfrost. master tcp ether 5000.

How do I find my hostname in Sybase?


  1. Description. Returns the current host computer name of the client process. Syntax.
  2. Parameters. None. Examples.
  3. Usage. host_name, a system function, returns the current host computer name of the client process (not the Server process).
  4. Permissions. Any user can execute host_name.

How do I start a DB in Sybase?

To start and connect to a database from Interactive SQL or Sybase Central, use a data source that specifies the database file. To start and connect to a database when you start Interactive SQL from a system command prompt, include the parameter “DBF=db-file” in the connection parameters.

How do I know if my Sybase backup server is running?

On UNIX platforms, use the showserver command to verify that your Backup Server is running; restart your Backup Server if necessary. See showserver and startserver in the Utility Guide. On Windows, a locally installed Sybase Central and the Services Manager show whether Backup Server is running.

Where can I find the version of Sybase?

We can find the Sybase running version from Linux and isql tool. 1. Using @@version. Adaptive Server Enterprise/16.0 GA PL01/EBF 22544 SMP/P/x86_64/Enterprise Linux /ase160sp00pl01/3523/64-bit/FBO/Tue Apr 15 13:24:31 2014 So on my host ASE 16 version is running. 2. Check Sybase version using system stored procedure.

Why is the Sybase version of windows so slow?

If you reduce fragmentation and performance is still poor, another issue may be to blame, such as inaccurate statistics reorg is useful when: Ø A large number of forwarded rows causes extra I/O during read operations. Ø Inserts and serializable reads are slow because they encounter pages with noncontiguous free space that must be reclaimed.

Why does Sybase update activity against a table?

Why Reorg: Update activity against a table can eventually lead to inefficient utilization of space and reduced performance; use the reorg to command reorganize the use of table space and improve performance. Table fragmentation occurs when rows are not stored contiguously, or when rows are split between multiple pages.

Why are inserts and serializable reads slow in Sybase?

Ø Inserts and serializable reads are slow because they encounter pages with noncontiguous free space that must be reclaimed. Ø Large I/O operations are slow because of low cluster ratios for data and index pages. Ø sp_chgattribute has been used to change a space management setting ( reservepagegap , fillfactor , or exp_row_si