How do I get rid of pending jobs in LSF?

01/08/2020 Off By admin

How do I get rid of pending jobs in LSF?

Procedure. Run bkill 0 to kill all pending jobs in the cluster or use bkill 0 with the -g, -J, -m, -q, or -u options to kill all jobs that satisfy these options.

How do you kill a job in LSF?

Kill a job (bkill)

  1. Use the -g option of bkill and specify a job group path to terminate jobs in a job group. For example: bkill -g /risk_group 106.
  2. Use job ID 0 (zero) to terminate all jobs in a job group: bkill -g /risk_group 0.

How do I monitor LSF jobs?

Use the bjobs command to see job resource usage. Use the lsinfo command to see overall cluster resources, and the lshosts command to see host-based resources and host load by resource. Use the busers and bugroup commands to display information about LSF users and user groups.

What is an LSF run?

LSF (Load Sharing Facility) is a system to manage programs that generally cannot be run interactively on a machine because they require too much CPU-time, memory, or other system resources. For that reason, those large programs have to be run in batch as jobs.

How do I cancel a job on QSUB?

Use the qdel command to cancel jobs, regardless of whether the jobs are running or are spooled. Use the qmod command to suspend and resume (unsuspend) jobs already running. For both commands, you need to know the job identification number, which is displayed in response to a successful qsub command.

How do you stop a batch job in Unix?

Replace with the number of the job that at or batch reported when you submitted the job. On some systems, you may use atrm instead of at -r .

How do I kill a queue process?

Find the process IDs of the queue manager programs that are still running by using the ps command. End any queue manager processes that are still running. Use the kill command, specifying the process IDs discovered by using the ps command. Note: You can use the kill -9 command to end processes that fail to stop.

How do you kill a background job?

To kill this job/process, either a kill %1 or a kill 1384 works. Remove job(s) from the shell’s table of active jobs. The fg command switches a job running in the background into the foreground. The bg command restarts a suspended job, and runs it in the background.

How do I view pending jobs in LSF?


  1. Run bjobs -p. Displays information for pending jobs (PEND state) and their reasons. There can be more than one reason why the job is pending.
  2. To get specific host names along with pending reasons, run bjobs -lp.
  3. To view the pending reasons for all users, run bjobs -p -u all.

How do I know if my LSF job is running?

Use the bjobs command to see the job ID and other information about your jobs. The status of each LSF job is updated periodically. The job that is named sleep 60 runs for 60 seconds. When the job completes, LSF sends email to report the job completion.

Is IBM LSF free?

IBM Platform LSF Community Edition is a no-charge community edition of the IBM Platform LSF workload management platform. IBM Platform LSF is a powerful workload management system for distributed computing environments. If you need more comprehensive support, a paid support offering is available from IBM.

How do I submit a job to LSF?

Submit batch jobs with bsub The bsub command submits jobs to LSF batch scheduling queues. The following command submits a sleep job to the default queue ( normal ): % bsub sleep 60 Job <3616> is submitted to default queue . When a job is submitted to LSF, it is assigned a unique job ID, in this case 3616 .