How do I give myself admin on SourceMod?

12/05/2020 Off By admin

How do I give myself admin on SourceMod?

Quick Start. Save the file, then type sm_reloadadmins in the server console. Connect to the server with the game client. Enter sm_admin in the client console, and then return to the game.

What is CSGO SourceMod?

Sourcemod is a plugin for source games that can add functionality like voting systems, minigames, and server utilities.

How do I add an admin to my CS Go Server?

To add admins to your admins_simple.ini file, follow these simple steps:

  1. Step 2 – Left Click The Configuration Files Button > Left Click The Configuration Editor Link For The admins_simple.ini File.
  2. Step 3 – Paste Your Steam ID > Give Yourself An Immunity of 99 > Check Root Level Admin > Left Click Save Button.

How do I install source mods?

How to Install SourceMod and Metamod

  1. Create a folder on your PC and unzip both the Sourcemod and Metamod files you downloaded into that folder.
  2. Once unzipped into that folder, you will see two folders named “addons” and “cfg”.

What language does SourceMod use?

SourceMod scripts are written in the SourcePawn language, which is derived from Pawn.

What is the Admin menu in SourceMod scripting?

Admin Menu (SourceMod Scripting) The admin menu is a menu available to all in-game administrators. It is a simple, one-level, category-based menu with heavy focus on consistency. The menu is simply a TopMenu, from the TopMenus extension, and is provided by adminmenu.sp. The menu itself has no items unless external plugins provide them.

How do I create a custom admin menu?

It is designed to be used as a complement to plugins adding themselves to the menu. For more information see Admin Menu (SourceMod Scripting) . Admins configure their menu using the config file (sourcemod/configs/adminmenu_custom.txt) and this is generated into a set of items and categories for the admin menu when the server starts.

Do you need a string for admin menu?

All ‘admin’ types now require a string command name. This command can be already existing (sm_ban) or completely imaginary (onlycrabscanusethis). If the command exists that section (or list option) will require the exact same access level as that command (including any overrides you have specified).

Is the Admin menu a plugin or plugin?

The menu is simply a TopMenu, from the TopMenus extension, and is provided by adminmenu.sp. The menu itself has no items unless external plugins provide them. Thus, it is possible (and recommended) for third party developers to extend the menu by attaching their own functionality to it.