How do I remove a license from CodeMeter?

09/07/2020 Off By admin

How do I remove a license from CodeMeter?

Open a Windows Command Prompt in C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeMeter\Runtime\bin. Execute the command cmu32.exe –delete-cmact-license –serial of the container> to delete the container.

What does CodeMeter control center do?

The CodeMeter Control Center is the interface between the user and the CodeMeter Runtime Server. It allows you to configure the attached CmSticks, e.g. change password or update the firmware. The CodeMeter Runtime Server is installed as a service or daemon by the installation program is always running.

Can I disable CodeMeter control center?

On Windows please open the “Add/Remove Programs” dialog of the Control Panel. In the list you will find “CodeMeter Runtime Kit”. Mark this entry and klick the button “Remove”.

Should I remove CodeMeter?

CodeMeter.exe is an executable exe file which belongs to the CodeMeter Runtime Server process which comes along with the CodeMeter Runtime Kit Software developed by WIBU-SYSTEMS AG software developer. If the CodeMeter.exe process in Windows 10 is important then you should be careful while deleting it.

How do I activate my CodeMeter license?

1. On the workstation which needs a license open the “CodeMeter Control Center” via the start menu entry. 2. Click the “Activate License” or “License Update” button (depends on whether a license has been activated before) and proceed with “Next”.

How do I remove CodeMeter from my Mac?

To uninstall CodeMeter from your computer, please do the following.

  1. On Windows please open the “Add/Remove Programs” dialog of the Control Panel.
  2. On Mac OS you find an uninstall program (Uninstall.
  3. On Linux please use the package manager of your distribution to uninstall CodeMeter.

What is CodeMeter runtime kit used for?

CodeMeter Runtime Service monitors the applications which are started and automatically assigns licenses to them in the event that any application crashes or the assignment of the license was forgotten by the developer.

How do I activate CmActLicense?

Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeMeter\Runtime\bin. Locate ‘CodeMeterCC.exe’, right-click, and choose ‘Run as administrator’. In the CodeMeter Control Center window, under the ‘License’ tab, select the CM license container ‘AgileDesigner’. Click either the ‘License Update’ or ‘Activate License’ button.

How to import license containers to codemeter control center?

There are three ways to import the license containers to CodeMeter Control Center. Launch CodeMeter Control Center by one of the methods listed above. Click on the ‘ License ‘ tab.

Where do I find license information for codemeter?

Launch CodeMeter Control Center by one of the methods listed above. Click on the ‘ License ‘ tab. If you have never applied a license before, or recently deleted a license or container, the list will be empty and you will see the message ‘ No CodeMeter License information available.

How to delete codemeter license in command prompt?

Search for “CodeMeter Command Prompt”. It should look like this: Now open the Command Prompt. A new console should open now. In order to delete the license you have to type in the following command: cmu32 –delete-cmact-license –serial yourLicenseHere. Press Enter and the license will be deleted.

How to use codemeter dongle as network license dongle?

Open CodeMeter Control Center ( Start > All Programs > CodeMeter ). Select the dongle and click on Webadmin. An internet page will open. Go to Configuration > Server > Server Access. Tick ​​ Run network server and press Apply. Repeat for any other CodeMeter dongle you have.