How do you keep track of mental health?

01/01/2020 Off By admin

How do you keep track of mental health?

Keeping track of your mental health journey can be done in many way, here are a few to try out:

  1. 1) Long-term Journaling. Go out and grab a journal that you love and begin daily journaling.
  2. 2) 12-Hour Check-ins. Similar to journaling, just on a shorter scale.
  3. 3) Go Digital.

What can I track in a mental health journal?

Track your progress toward goals, good habits, and positive behaviors. Use your journal to set personal goals and work toward positive habits or behaviors you want to incorporate in your life. Record the actions you’re taking toward your goals and monitor your progress.

What moods should you track?

The Mood Ring Color Chart (PDF)

  • Black: Stressed/Nervous.
  • Dark brown: On Edge/Restless.
  • Dark yellow: Unsettled/Surprised.
  • Yellow: Creative/Imaginative.
  • Orange: Daring/Adventurous.
  • Red: High Energy/Angry.
  • Green: Calm/Comfortable.
  • Turquoise: Contentment/Peace.

Is journaling good for mental health?

Journaling helps control your symptoms and improve your mood by: Helping you prioritize problems, fears, and concerns. Tracking any symptoms day-to-day so that you can recognize triggers and learn ways to better control them. Providing an opportunity for positive self-talk and identifying negative thoughts and …

Is bullet journaling good for mental health?

Bullet journals are amazing for tracking tasks, thoughts, activities, and life events, so they lend themselves really well to recording info about your physical and mental health.

How can I track my mood changes?

Here are five apps that help people track their moods, feeling, behaviors, and thoughts:

  1. Moodily. This is one of the best apps to track your mood.
  2. MoodPanda. This app works like a mood-tracking diary.
  3. MoodKit. With this app, you will be able to improve your mood dramatically.
  4. Daylio.
  5. Mood Tracker.

Why should you track your mood?

Understanding your moods helps you manage them and feel better faster. If you are more aware of your moods, you may be able to better manage your lifestyle choices, make informed health decisions, prevent or avoid triggers of negative moods, and work towards a better quality of life.

What should be included in a mood tracker?

A mood tracker is a page in your planner or bullet journal that allows you to track whether you are feeling happy, sad, tired, angry, bored, etc. You can create a monthly mood tracker by jotting down the days of the month, add a color key with the moods you want to track, then fill it in each day.

When should you track your mood?

Check at regular intervals. One way to ensure you’re capturing mood patterns is to make a note of your mood at regular periods of time throughout the day. For example, you might record your moods in the morning, mid-day, and evening. This can be useful for seeing how your feelings fluctuate over time.