How do you know what you really want in life?

08/16/2021 Off By admin

How do you know what you really want in life?

7 Ways to Find Out What You Really Want in LifeBe selfish. You can’t pinpoint exactly what you want in life if you’re constantly sacrificing your time and dreams for other people. Regret nothing. Figure out what you need. Determine what really bothers you. Determine what makes you truly happy. Let people around you know what you’re trying to achieve. Stay positive.

Is it normal to not know what you want to do?

Absolutely nothing. You might not know exactly what your passionate about yet, or what you want in that special someone. Once again, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with living your life in the pursuit of figuring it all out along the way.

What age do you find yourself?

I have watched several hundred people go through this process, and my experience is that 1% achieve this by age 20, 5% by age 25, another 5% by age 30, ( another 1% each year) and most people never truly discover who they are until after age 55.