How do you sign on behalf of your boss example?

06/05/2021 Off By admin

How do you sign on behalf of your boss example?

The traditional way to do this is that the document should still have your manager’s name in print. Next to their name you put the letters ‘pp’ and then put your signature in the place where the signature would go. It used to be very common for secretaries to sign-off correspondence for their boss like this.

How do you sign a formal letter with two signatures?

To include two or more signatures on a business letter, the writer should use the plural voice where appropriate and provide two or more spaces for signatures. Signatures may be listed vertically or horizontally, and they should be ranked by seniority.

How do you sign a letter on behalf of a group?

If you’re an officer of that group, the secretary say, then just sign it and put ‘secretary’ under your name. If you are not an official but have the authority to represent the group, then just sign it and put ‘on behalf of . . the group’ underneath.