How much do EU translators earn?

03/29/2019 Off By admin

How much do EU translators earn?

The successful Irish-language translators will be employed on 4-year contracts at Grade AD 5 and will translate documents from English to Irish. Staff based in Ireland will work from European Commission offices at Grange, Co Meath, and can expect to earn a salary of some €4,500 per month.

How do you become a EU translator?

Key Qualifications You must have perfect command of one EU language and a thorough command of at least 2 others, and a degree in any discipline. The selection procedure for translators will focus on your language knowledge and skills in translating, as well as the core competencies required of all EU officials.

How many translators are in the European Parliament?

Currently, we have about 660 translators, 250 assistants and 235 other support staff, who together enable multilingual written communication in the European Parliament. We translate documents in 24 official languages, making for a total of 552 combinations, since each language can be translated into the 23 others.

How do I get a job in the EU parliament?

Who can apply: University graduates aged 18 or over. Candidates should have a thorough knowledge of two of the official languages of the European Union and should not have worked for more than two consecutive months within an EU institution or body.

Can I be a translator without a degree?

The short answer is no. You do not need a college degree to become a translator! Be it in translation, linguistics, or a relevant specialization, a degree will give you an advantage with employers. But it’s not the only thing that matters.

What jobs can you get with a language?

Typical modern language jobs

  • Interpreter.
  • Translator.
  • Modern language jobs in education.
  • International development worker.
  • Diplomacy.
  • Broadcast journalist.
  • Business, logistics and finance careers.
  • Marketing, advertising and public relations (PR) careers.

What does an EU translator do?

Job description Translators in the various EU institutions and bodies, working in a challenging, multi-cultural environment, help 500 million Europeans, in different EU countries understand EU policies.

What language is used in the European Parliament?

The European Commission uses English, French as German as its working languages. In the European Parliament, documents are translated into other languages according to the needs of the MEPs. The EU citizens can contact the EU institutions using any of the official languages and receive a reply in the same language.

What language does the EU speak?

However, the EU, the European union of 28 member states has 24 official languages, but in practice only two are used most often: English and French. English, Nordic languages, German widely spoken. note: Castilian is the official language nationwide; the other languages are official regionally.

What does a parliamentary assistant do?

In UK politics, a parliamentary assistant is an unelected partisan member of staff employed by a Member of Parliament (MP) to assist them with their parliamentary duties. Parliamentary assistants usually work at the House of Commons in the UK Parliament or in their MP’s constituency office.

How many translators work in the European Parliament?

The European Parliament employs about 600 translators. To cope with the ever-increasing level of demand, the Directorate-General outsources the translation of some texts. The outsourcing of translation assignments is based on document type and workload.

How to apply for a job in the European Parliament?

The European Parliament occasionally publishes specific selection procedures for contract agent opportunities on its APPLY4EP platform. In most cases, Parliament recruits contract agents through the EPSO Contract Agent Selection (CAST) database so your first step is to create an EPSO account.

Why do you need to be a translator for the EU?

Translators in the various EU institutions and bodies, working in a challenging, multi-cultural environment, help 500 million Europeans, in different EU countries understand EU policies.

How to become an interpreter for the European Parliament?

To become a freelance interpreter accredited with the European Commission, the European Parliament and the European Court of Justice, please see Interpreting for Europe. You can also see our Traineeships page for further information on traineeships for interpreters.