How much does a Perigord truffle cost?

05/04/2019 Off By admin

How much does a Perigord truffle cost?

Fresh Black Perigord Winter Truffles

medium – 1/2 lb chilled $391.56
large – 1.44 oz chilled $160.00
large – 1/4 lbs chilled $440.00
large – 1/2 lbs chilled $805.00

How do you use Perigord truffles?

Perigord truffles are best used sparingly in raw or lightly heated applications, typically shaved, grated, slivered, or thinly sliced. The truffle’s umami flavor and aroma complement dishes with fatty, rich elements, wine or cream-based sauces, oils, and neutral ingredients such as potatoes, rice, and pasta.

Where are Perigord truffles from?

Perigord truffles are native to Europe but they are also successfully cultivated in other parts of the globe and appreciated for their unique and heady aroma.

What is the color of the Perigord black truffle veins?

When it reaches maturity, the prized black Périgord truffle is at its most aromatic, with compact flesh characterised by marbled narrow white veins.

How much is a kilo of white truffle?

Truffle Prices in 2021 (Retail)

Truffle Species Common Name Avg price per kg
Tuber Mangnatum Italian White Truffle $3386.24
Tuber Melanosporum Winter Black Truffle $721.25
Tuber Uncinatum Burgundy Black Truffle $877.54
Tuber Aestivum Summer Black Truffle $794.46

What was the most expensive truffle?

In 2010 at an auction in Macau, this two-pound white truffle sold for $330,000, a record amount. Stahl: It’s not like agriculture. People don’t put a seed in the ground. And they’re a fungus.

How much is a black truffle?

Truffle Prices in 2021 (Retail)

Truffle Species Common Name Avg price per oz
Tuber Melanosporum Winter Black Truffle $20.49
Tuber Uncinatum Burgundy Black Truffle $24.93
Tuber Aestivum Summer Black Truffle $22.57
Tuber Indicum Chinese Black Truffle $5.13

How much is a gram of white truffle?

On average, restaurants are charging about $7 per gram of white truffles — and most places heap about 10 grams onto your plate, tacking $60 to $125 onto your $20 to $30 risotto.