How to convert 5 21 into a decimal?

02/17/2021 Off By admin

How to convert 5 21 into a decimal?

5/21 as a decimal is 0.23809523809524.

Why is Renekton meta?

Renekton is a more divisive champion, but he still has his place in the meta for a number of reasons. Renekton sits at a slightly lower presence and win-rate: 77.6% pick/ban percentage and a 37.5% win rate. Renekton is like Syndra in that he does a lot of things well and is therefore a very easy blind pick. …

What is 5 21 as a percentage?

Now we can see that our fraction is 23.809523809524/100, which means that 5/21 as a percentage is 23.8095%.

Is Renekton good in wild rift?

League of Legends Wild Rift Renekton is a Diver Champion commonly played in the Baron Lane. When playing this Fighter in the Solo Lane, we rank it as a S-Tier pick. Renekton will mostly do Physical Damage and is an overall reliable choice. Based on playstyle, we consider this champion Easy To Play.

Where to get the best renekton build guide?

The MOBAFire community works hard to keep their LoL builds and guides updated, and will help you craft the best Renekton build for the S11 meta. Learn more about Renekton’s abilities, skins, or even ask your own questions to the community!

Which is the highest win rate in renekton?

The highest win rate Renekton build, from rune set to skill order to item path, in Platinum +. LoL Patch 11.14 Everything you need for Renekton Top. The highest win rate Renekton build, from rune set to skill order to item path, in Platinum +.

How many stacks of Conqueror does renekton get?

Renekton transforms into the Tyrant form, gaining bonus Health and dealing damage to enemies around him. While in this form, Renekton gains Fury periodically. Basic attacks or spells that deal damage to an enemy champion grant 2 stacks of Conqueror for 6s, gaining 2-5 Adaptive Force per stack. Stacks up to 12 times.

Which is easier to beat Mundo or renekton?

Mundo will be easy to beat with the build suggested. Since BORK buffs renekton can one shot carries and shred tanks evenly. Darius and renekton is skill matchup but as long as you dodge his Qs and bait his grab properly you will win. Ignite makes darius a lot easier. If you all in make sure to hug darius so he does not heal.