Is bleach the best Nirvana album?

02/17/2021 Off By admin

Is bleach the best Nirvana album?

Bleach is by far the best Nirvana album. It couldn’t be more different to the over-produced and slightly pompous follow-up Nevermind. It’s raw and viseral from beginning to end but for me the best part was when you flipped over the tape (yes, tape) to side 2 and opening chords of Negative Creep are unleashed.

Is Nirvana underrated?

There’s nobody in rock history quite like Nirvana. While Nirvana’s quantity of material is small, its quality was unmatched. Their trio of LPs – 1989’s Bleach, 1991’s Nevermind and 1993’s In Utero – offered equal parts anger and exhilaration.

Is there still unreleased Nirvana songs?

Former Nirvana bassist Krist Novoselic has some sad news for fans of the grunge icons: There are no more unreleased Nirvana songs. The last unreleased Nirvana song to surface was “You Know You’re Right” (which was included on the 2002 compilation Nirvana and the 2004 box set With The Lights Out).

What Bleach did Kurt Cobain use?

One Univox in particular can be heard in the early Nirvana years, primarily 1988-89. Kurt used the Univox Hi-Flier Phase 3 guitar for the recording of Nirvana’s first album, Bleach, which has a definitive raw edge. The guitar was also later featured on the cover of the Blew EP.

Who is on the cover of Bleach Nirvana?

Jason Everman
Personnel. Jason Everman is pictured in the cover photo and credited as a second guitarist for Nirvana until the 20th anniversary release, but he did not perform on the album.

What was the best song on Nirvana’s first album?

The highlight of debut album Bleach was a step away from the emotional terrain mined by, say, Nirvana’s Sub Pop labelmates Mudhoney: they tended to deal in hedonism and alienation, but About a Girl was a surprisingly sweet and earnest love song that betrayed Cobain’s love of tuneful-but-rickety British indie pop. 7.

How much did Bleach by Nirvana cost to make?

This is one case where the legend really precedes the record itself. Cut for about 600 dollars in Jack Endino ‘s studio over just a matter of days, this captures Nirvana at a formative stage, still indebted to the murk that became known as grunge, yet not quite finding their voice as songwriters.

What was the song sappy by Nirvana about?

Depending on your perspective, a song about Kurt Cobain’s pet turtle or an abusive relationship, Sappy was an outtake that deserved better, something Nirvana knew, playing it live for years and recording it over and over before defeatedly slipping it out as a hidden track on a charity compilation.

Who was on the cover of Nirvana’s The Chosen Rejects?

In Nirvana: The Chosen Rejects, by Kurt St Thomas and Troy Smith, Bowie talks warmly about the cover: “I was simply blown away when I found that Kurt Cobain liked my work, and have always wanted to talk to him about his reasons for covering The Man Who Sold the World … it was a good straight forward rendition and sounded somehow very honest.