Is it OK to leave a degree off your resume?

06/10/2021 Off By admin

Is it OK to leave a degree off your resume?

You don’t need to include high school education on your resume. If you have any education beyond high school, the degree is implied and including it would be redundant. Even if your highest degree is high school, you should still leave it off. Instead, you can list in-progress or incomplete degrees.

Should I put college on resume if I didn’t graduate?

If you attended college but didn’t graduate, you can still list your education on your resume. List the name of your institution, along with a line clarifying “X years completed” or “X credit hours completed.”

What do I put on a resume if my degree is not completed?

How to Put College on a Resume If You Didn’t Graduate. You don’t really want to include your college degree program and then write “incomplete” at the end. That doesn’t exactly look wonderful. Simply note down the school you attended (name, dates you attended, and amount of credit hours you finished).

How do you explain why you don’t have a degree?

If the employer pushes you to explain your lack of a degree, be completely honest. If you couldn’t afford the tuition to attend college and had to go to work instead, tell your employer. That could very well demonstrate that you are a hard-working individual, which is always a plus as far as your employer is concerned.