Is peridotite a metamorphic rock?

11/22/2020 Off By admin

Is peridotite a metamorphic rock?

ə-/ PERR-ih-doh-tyte, pə-RID-ə-) is a dense, coarse-grained igneous rock consisting mostly of the silicate minerals olivine and pyroxene. Peridotite is ultramafic, as the rock contains less than 45% silica. It is high in magnesium (Mg2+), reflecting the high proportions of magnesium-rich olivine, with appreciable iron.

Is komatiite an igneous rock?

Komatiites are very rare igneous rocks. They are one variety of extrusive ultramafic igneous rock (although a komatiite in Canada has been interpreted to be an intrusive sill). They are named after the Komati River in South Africa, the type locality. Komatiite is an exceedingly rare type of lava.

What minerals are found in komatiite?


  • An ultramafic, volcanic rock that is primarily composed of the minerals pyroxene and olivine.
  • A very unusual and rare volcanic rock type that is not produced today.
  • A rock type whose hotly– and wetly– debated origin sometimes galvanizes geologists to shouting matches, fist fights, and drinking contests.

Does peridotite weathering easily?

Peridotite is a rock type that is more representative of Earth’s mantle than of the crust. The minerals that compose it are generally high-temperature minerals that are unstable at Earth’s surface. They are quickly altered by hydrothermal solutions and weathering.

What is the texture of peridotite rock?


Type Igneous Rock
Texture Phaneritic (Coarse-grained)
Origin Intrusive/Plutonic
Chemical Composition Ultramafic
Color Dark Gray to Black

What kind of rock is peridotite?

intrusive rocks
Peridotite is the general name for the ultrabasic or ultramafic intrusive rocks, dark green to black in color, dense and coarse-grained texture, often as layered igneous complex.

Are ultramafic rocks rare?

Ultramafic rocks are dominated by olivine or olivine and pyroxene. Such rocks are rare on the Earth’s surface, but they dominate the mantle.

What type of rock is Komatiite?

Komatiite (/koʊˈmɑːtiˌaɪt/) is a type of ultramafic mantle-derived volcanic rock defined as having crystallised from a lava of at least 18 wt% MgO. Komatiites have low silicon, potassium and aluminium, and high to extremely high magnesium content.

Where is kimberlite rock found?

Generally speaking, kimberlites are found only in cratons, the oldest surviving areas of continental crust, which form the nuclei of continental landmasses and have remained virtually unchanged since their formation eons ago.

What type of rock is dolostone?

The principal mineral of limestone is calcite (CaCO3), a form of calcium carbonate. Dolostone is quite similar to limestone, but is composed mostly of the mineral dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2). Both are sedimentary rocks that occur as thin to massive beds of fine- to coarse-grained rock.