Is there a manned base on the Moon?

10/29/2019 Off By admin

Is there a manned base on the Moon?

One primary target is Shackleton crater. In 2028 NASA plans on launching the Lunar Surface Asset, a small habitat to the surface of the Moon on either an SLS Block 1B or through an Artemis Support Mission on a commercial launcher. This would be the first crewed lunar base.

Where will Artemis land on the Moon?

south pole
2) Artemis program history and 2024 goal Then, in March 2019, Vice President Mike Pence — citing a “space race” with Russia and China — set an ambitious deadline for NASA to land humans near the moon’s south pole by 2024, at least four years ahead of the agency’s schedule at the time.

Is there a base camp on the Moon?

Jan 27, 2021 NASA’s Artemis Base Camp on the Moon Will Need Light, Water, Elevation American astronauts in 2024 will take their first steps near the Moon’s South Pole: the land of extreme light, extreme darkness, and frozen water that could fuel NASA’s Artemis lunar base and the agency’s leap into deep space.

Are there any plans to build a base on the Moon?

The irony is that, while only the United States of America has left footprints on the Moon, the Americans are now having to play catch up. It didn’t unveil plans for a permanent moonbase until August 2018. Nasa’s primary focus until then had been Mars. The European Space Agency (Esa) was already one step ahead.

Who are involved in the secret moon bases?

Niara’s recollection is that Grays and Reptilians are involved with at least one moon base, and allow human workers to be mistreated. Niara’s testimony and the experiences of Carolyn Hamlett, when combined with Corey’s revelations about Secret Space programs, leads to a disturbing conclusion.

Is there a permanent US base on the Moon?

The irony is that, while only the United States of America has left footprints on the Moon, the Americans are now having to play catch up. It didn’t unveil plans for a permanent moonbase until August 2018.