What are moves called in chess?

08/18/2019 Off By admin

What are moves called in chess?

Chess Terminology

Term Definition
Board A slab prepared with a chequered pattern for playing chess
Castling A simultaneous move (the only one in chess) whereby a previously unmoved King moves 2 squares toward an unmoved Rook and the Rook is moved to the other side of the King.
Check A move which attacks the opposing King.

What are the special moves in chess?

Special moves and other rules you should know

  • Special moves: Promotion.
  • If the white pawn now moves two squares, black can capture it as if it moved only one square.
  • Black captures “en passant”
  • If the black pawn moves two squares, white can capture it, “en passant”.
  • Castling.
  • Castling move completed.
  • Castling queen-side.

What are the most important pieces in a chess game?

The basic components of chess are the chessboard, two players and their respective pieces. A clock also may be used. Since chess is a game bearing such unique play and strategy, knowing how the pieces play the game is the most critical lesson in learning chess. The King is the most important piece in the chess game.

What are the names of chess moves?

C Castling. A simultaneous move (the only one in chess) whereby king and rook move past each other. Chaturanga. The earliest form of chess. Cheating at chess. Any deliberate violation of the Laws of Chess. Check. A move which attacks the opposing king. Checkmate. Chess clocks. Chess960. Combination. Correspondence chess. Counter-attack.

What are the names of all of the chess pieces?

The names of chess pieces are the King, Queen, Rook, Knight, Bishop and Pawns.

What are all the different chess moves?

The more mobile a piece is, the more powerful it is: Pawns: Pawns can only move forward. Bishops: Bishops can move any number of squares diagonally. Knights: Knights can move only in an L-shape, one square up and two over, or two squares over and one down, or any such combination of one-two or two-one movements Rooks: Rooks can move any number of squares, up and down and side to side.