What are red flags in a background check?

04/29/2021 Off By admin

What are red flags in a background check?

Below, eVerifile outlines the five most common red flags in background checks.Gaps in Employment. Discrepancies in Criminal History. Inconsistencies in Education. Failure of Drug Tests. Discrepancies in Skills.

Can your employer find out if you have a second job?

So, employers do Not care if you work a second job as long as: It does not interfere with your primary job (what the employer is paying you to do) It is not in conflict of interest with your primary job.

Can your boss tell you what to do off the clock?

Employment-at-will means that both the employer and the employee can end the employment relationship at any time without notice or reason. So if the reason for your termination is not illegal under the laws of your state, then yes, your employer can fire you for what you do on your own time, outside of work.

Can my boss text me on my day off?

No. It’s not illegal BUT, unless it’s in your contract that you have to be in contact outside of work hours, you don’t have to read or answer them. You can turn your phone off or temporary block his number during your day off. If you are a salaried employee, your boss can text away without concern.