What are some quotes in Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry?

08/04/2020 Off By admin

What are some quotes in Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry?

“Seems to me if Stacey’s not smart enough to hold onto a good coat, he don’t deserve it.” “These are things they need to hear, baby. It’s their history.” “We ain’t never gonna lose this land.”

How would you describe Cassie from Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry?

The narrator and protagonist. Cassie is the second-oldest Logan child. She has a fiery temper like her Uncle Hammer. Also, she is very naive concerning the facts of racism.

Is Cassie smart in Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry?

Cassie is a little girl, who is very smart, sassy, and courageous. She stands up for what she believes and helps others that need a voice. Cassie showed courage when she stood up to Mr. Barnett, tried to help Little Man by explaining his actions, and helping T.J.

Is Cassie a boy or girl in roll of thunder?

Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry Major Characters. Cassie: The only daughter of Mary and David Logan. Cassie is mature in regard to her sense of morality (she believes in justice and kindness, for example) but she is naïve. She does not understand the depth and cruelty of the racism around her.

What did Cassie see when she was on the porch at night?

Later that night, Cassie hears a noise outside and sneaks onto the porch to investigate. Cassie watches in fear as a group of “night men” pull into the driveway. Fortunately, the cars drive away after several tense moments, and Cassie witnesses Mr. Morrison holding a shotgun and moving stealthily nearby.

What is the real reason Mr Logan got fired?

What might be the real reason Kaleb Wallace and Harlan Granger have Mrs. Logan fired? They want to get back at the Logans for getting so many people to shop in Vicksburg.

Why does Cassie become so angry at Mr Barnett?

Cassie became angry and Mr. Barnett because he waited on her after all the white people. Mr. Barnett is the shopkeeper in Strawberry.

Why did Cassie cry at the end of the story?

Cassie cries for T.J. at the end of the book because even though she does not like him, she is sad that he will be on the chain gang for crimes that he did not commit.

Why did Cassie and Little Man refuse to take their readers?

Why did Cassie and Little Man refuse to take their readers? He wanted them to know he had been in trouble for beating up a white man.

What happened to Sam Tatum?

Expert Answers According to T.J., Sam Tatum was tarred and feathered because he allegedly called Mr. Jim Lee Barnett, the man who runs the Mercantile in Strawberry, a liar.

What happens to Jeremy when he tries to make friends with the Logans?

What happens when Jeremy Simms tried to make friends with the Logans? The Logan children don’t understand why Jeremy is trying to be friends with them and they ignore him because they are angry about the way the white people treat them.

What was the punishment for getting Mama fired?

T.J. What was T.J.’s punishment for getting Mama fired? Cassie punched him. Everyone stopped talking to him.