What are the examples of antonyms in sentences?

12/08/2020 Off By admin

What are the examples of antonyms in sentences?

examples of antonyms used in a sentence

  • When it’s cold and wet outside, it’s so nice to be warm.
  • He was wearing two different color socks but at least his.
  • I was raised in Arizona, so I play a lot of summer sports and.
  • Please fill the dishwasher and empty the trash.

What is the example of antonyms?

An antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word. For instance, the antonym of ‘hot’ may be ‘cold. ‘ The root words for the word ‘antonym’ are the words ‘anti,’ meaning ‘against’ or ‘opposite,’ and ‘onym,’ meaning ‘name. ‘

What are antonyms give 5 examples?

Antonyms, however, are words that have opposite meanings….Antonym Examples.

Achieve – Fail Giant – Dwarf Random – Specific
Blunt – Sharp Marvelous – Terrible Timid – Bold
Brave – Cowardly Noisy – Quiet Toward – Away

What are the 5 examples of synonyms and antonyms?

Let’s start with some basic definitions. Antonyms are words with opposite meanings. Synonyms are words with the same or similar meaning….Synonym Examples

  • Afraid, scared, frightened.
  • Automobile, car, vehicle.
  • Big, large, huge.
  • Blank, empty, hollow.
  • Bunny, rabbit, hare.
  • Cap, hat.
  • Center, middle, inside.
  • Couch, sofa, divan.

What are the 20 examples of antonyms?

Antonym Examples

Achieve – Fail Giant – Dwarf Random – Specific
Arrive – Depart Innocent – Guilty Simple – Complicated
Arrogant – Humble Knowledge – Ignorance Single – Married
Attack – Defend Liquid – Solid Sunny – Cloudy
Blunt – Sharp Marvelous – Terrible Timid – Bold