What are the parts of water tube boiler?

11/19/2020 Off By admin

What are the parts of water tube boiler?

A water tube boiler is typically formed of four parts, a lower feed water drum – sometimes known as a mud drum – an upper steam drum with water surface from which the steam is evolved, water tubes connecting the two drums together and a super heater / economiser section (depending on the quality of steam required).

How does a Firetube boiler work?

A fire-tube boiler is a type of boiler in which hot gases pass from a fire through one or more tubes running through a sealed container of water. The heat of the gases is transferred through the walls of the tubes by thermal conduction, heating the water and ultimately creating steam.

What are the main features of a water tube boiler?

Main Features

  • They usually exist in larger sizes as compared to fire tube boiler designs.
  • They are proficient in dealing with steam pressures which can be as high as 5,000 psig.
  • Their recovery is much quicker than their firetube counterparts.
  • Besides, they are designed to attain extremely high temperatures.

Where are water tube boiler used?

Water tube boilers can generate saturated or superheated steam, which is useful for applications such as steam turbine power generation. In addition, these boilers are commonly used in process industries, including chemicals , refining, and pulp and paper manufacturing.

What are the disadvantages of water tube boilers?


SL NO Disadvantage
1. Complex design and High maintenance cost.
2. A skilled operator is required for operation.
3. This is used in large power plants and it is uneconomical for use in small industries.
4. For the same power output, the cost of a water tube boiler is high.

Where are water-tube boiler used?