What country is zh?

05/29/2019 Off By admin

What country is zh?

ISO 639-1 standard language codes

Language (Region) Code
Chinese (Hong Kong) zh-hk
Chinese (Singapore) zh-sg
Chinese (Taiwan) zh-tw
Czech cs

What is the language code for Swedish?

Additional information

Administrative language(s) alpha-2 Administrative language(s) alpha-3 Local short name
sv swe Sverige

What is language AR?

Afrikaans (South Africa) ar. Arabic. ar-AE. Arabic (U.A.E.)

Which country speak which language?

Languages by Countries

Afghanistan Dari Persian, Pashtu (both official), other Turkic and minor languages
Angola Portuguese (official), Bantu and other African languages
Antigua and Barbuda English (official), local dialects
Argentina Spanish (official), English, Italian, German, French
Armenia Armenian 98%, Yezidi, Russian

What language is this code?

Note: ISO 639-2 is the alpha-3 code in Codes for the representation of names of languages– Part 2….Codes arranged alphabetically by alpha-3/ISO 639-2 Code.

ISO 639-2 Code afr
ISO 639-1 Code af
English name of Language Afrikaans
French name of Language afrikaans
German name of Language Afrikaans

What language is short for?

Font size:

AA Afar Rate it:
AE American Eskimo Rate it:
AF Afrikaans Rate it:
AF Anglo-French Rate it:
AL All Languages Rate it:

Is zh CN Traditional Chinese?

These are the allowable Language Codes that must be used when setting the Source and Target languages of a TTK from the command line….Language Codes.

Language Name Language Code
Chinese (Traditional) (zh-CHT) zh-CHT
Chinese (Traditional) (zh-Hant) zh-Hant
Chinese (Traditional, Hong Kong S.A.R.) zh-HK

What is the language code for South Africa?

Code. Name. af. Afrikaans. af-ZA. Afrikaans (South Africa) ar. Arabic. ar-AE.

Where can I find the Welsh language code?

Code Name cy-GB Welsh (United Kingdom) da Danish da-DK Danish (Denmark) de German

Where can I find the Danish language code?

Code Name da Danish da-DK Danish (Denmark) de German de-AT German (Austria)

Where can I find the language code CS-CZ?

Code Name cs-CZ Czech (Czech Republic) cy Welsh cy-GB Welsh (United Kingdom) da Danish