What did Kawiti think of the treaty?

01/27/2020 Off By admin

What did Kawiti think of the treaty?

Kawiti initially refused to sign the Treaty of Waitangi on 6 February 1840, believing that it would inevitably lead to further European encroachment and the loss of Māori land.

Who cut down the flagpole at Waitangi?

chief Hōne Heke
In July 1844 Ngāpuhi chief Hōne Heke organised the felling of the flagpole above Kororāreka (later Russell) in a protest about unfulfilled promises of British colonisation.

How many Māori were killed at Ruapekapeka?


Battle of Ruapekapeka
Military 68 officers + 1110 men Maori Allies 450 warriors Ruapekapeka ~ 500 warriors
Casualties and losses
Military 13 killed 30 wounded Maori Allies 8–10 killed 15–20 wounded Unknown

When did Hone Heke cut down the flagpole for the second time?

10 January 1845
On 10 January 1845 Hone Heke chopped down the flagstaff for the second time, an act which demanded Fitzroy’s attention.

Who was Te Ruki Kawiti and what did he do?

Te Ruki Kawiti (1770s – 5 May 1854) was a prominent Māori rangatira (chief). He and Hōne Heke successfully fought the British in the Flagstaff War in 1845–46. He traced descent from Rāhiri and Nukutawhiti of the Ngātokimatawhaorua canoe, the ancestors of the Ngāpuhi .

Why did Hone Heke seek support from the Kawiti?

Hōne Heke sought support from Kawiti and other leaders of the Ngāpuhi iwi by the conveying of ‘te ngākau’, the custom observed by those who sought help to settle a tribal grievance.

How did Te Ruki Kawiti start the Flagstaff War?

When in March 1845 Heke cut down the flag pole at Kororāreka for the fourth time, thereby initiating the Flagstaff War, Kawiti, now in his seventies, created a diversion by attacking the town. The Māori warriors followed their chief and would fight in separate groups; however Kawiti and Heke co-ordinated their tactics at each battle.

Why did grey give Kawiti five days to respond?

Grey gave Kawiti and Heke only five days to respond to the peace offer, and meanwhile organised an expedition against Kawiti’ new pā of Ruapekapeka. Kawiti’ aim was to draw British troops into battle on a fairly inaccessible site.