What do the numbers on bike cassettes mean?

11/19/2019 Off By admin

What do the numbers on bike cassettes mean?

Your cassette is an integral part of your bike’s drivetrain. A cassette may therefore be sized as 11-32t. The first number refers to the number of teeth on the smallest sprocket (the highest gear, for fast pedalling at speed) and the second number to the biggest sprocket (the lowest gear, for climbing hills).

What is the difference between 11 28 and 11 34 cassette?

Cassettes. As shown, the maximum speed is the same with the 11 tooth cog and the 11-28 and 11-30 cassettes share the same gearing combinations until the largest three cogs. However, the 11-34 cassette has easier gearing in every combination except while in the 11 tooth cog.

What’s the difference between 11-28 and 11-32t cassettes?

Frame size doesn’t really matter. 11-32 does make a substantial difference; remember its the ratio of the front gear to the rear gear that matters. Your lowest gear will be 12.5% lower. Also, you’ll get a wider (and likely more useful) spacing in gearing between changes.

When do you change gears on an 11-32 cassette?

Next, its worth looking at how much cadence changes when you shift gears – and these numbers are shown in red on the right hand side of each table. For the 11-32 cassette, the average change in cadence is 9 rpm when you change gears, while for the 11-28 cassette, the average change is 8 rpm.

Which is better a 14-28 or an 11-28t?

Like another answer pointed out, there will be a difference in how the transition between gears feels; assuming they have the same number of sprockets, shifting from one gear to another on the 14-28 should feel “smoother” than on the 11-28.

What’s the gear ratio for a 7-speed cassette?

For example, a 53/28T crankset combined with a 7-speed 11-19T cassette will provide the same number of discrete ratios as a standard crankset paired with an 11-speed 11-27T cassette, as shown in Figure 4.