What does an LEPC do?

07/08/2019 Off By admin

What does an LEPC do?

Under the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA), Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPCs) must develop an emergency response plan, review the plan at least annually, and provide information about chemicals in the community to citizens. Plans are developed by LEPCs with stakeholder participation.

What does the acronym LEPC stand for?


Acronym Definition
LEPC Local Emergency Planning Committee
LEPC Law Enforcement Planning Commission
LEPC Legislative Education Planning Committee (Kansas)
LEPC Local Emergency Preparedness Committee

What is a Tier 2 facility?

Tier 2 reports (also written as “Tier II”) are required by the EPA for facilities that store hazardous chemicals above certain threshold quantities. The EPA established Tier 2 reporting obligations through the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act (EPCRA).

Who is subject to Epcra?

EPCRA, Section 313, generally requires a report to EPA and the state from each manufacturer with 10 or more employees and who either uses 10,000 pounds or manufactures or processes 25,000 pounds of any “toxic chemical” during the reporting year.

What benefits are there to being actively involved in the LEPC?

If you have an active LEPC, you may be able to get funds for training, planning, exercises and equipment. The LEPC serves as a forum to help involve citizens in the discussion on emergency planning and response. Participate in exercises and drills to improve community’s preparedness.

What does Title III SARA mean?

SARA Title III establishes requirements for federal, state, and local governments, Indian tribes, and industry regarding emergency planning and Community Right-to-Know reporting on hazardous and toxic chemicals.

What is Tier II EPA?

Tier II reporting is used by the EPA to track and enforce rules related to the storing of hazardous materials in your facility. Tier II is an annual federal report that is mandatory for companies that store hazardous materials.

What does the Epcra require EPA to do?

The Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) of 1986 was created to help communities plan for chemical emergencies. It also requires industry to report on the storage, use and releases of hazardous substances to federal, state, and local governments.

What is the recommended minimum number of personnel?

What is the recommended minimum number of personnel needed to manage a hazardous materials incident safely? Eight. The five phases of a hazardous material’s life does not include production, transportation, storage, elimination, and disposal.