What does Containment Priest stop?

08/08/2020 Off By admin

What does Containment Priest stop?

Containment Priest’s last ability won’t affect any creatures that were cast, including ones cast from unusual zones such as your graveyard. If a noncreature card wasn’t cast and is entering the battlefield as a creature (due to an effect such as that of March of the Machines), it will be exiled.

Does Containment Priest stop Cascade?

So how does Containment Priest hose cascade? The short answer is… it doesn’t. Containment Priest doesn’t care whether a card was cast from the hand or from some other zone, and it doesn’t care if it was cast for its mana cost or some alternative cost.

How does Containment Priest work?

If Containment Priest enters the battlefield without being cast, its ability won’t exile itself. If Containment Priest enters the battlefield at the same time as other creatures, its ability won’t affect those creatures.

Is Containment Priest legal in modern?

Originally printed in Commander 2014, Containment Priest shut down many powerful strategies in Legacy like Dredge and Sneak and Show. The Human Cleric was reprinted in Ultimate Masters as well as an Amonkhet Invocation, but has never been legal in Standard or Modern.

Can you reanimate Containment Priest?

The Containment Priest won’t exile herself, you can totally reanimate her. However, when multiple creatures enter the battlefield at the same time, they all see each other enter.

Can Containment Priest exile itself?

Containment Priest’s last ability won’t affect any creatures that were cast, including ones cast from unusual zones such as your graveyard. If Containment Priest enters the battlefield without being cast, its ability won’t exile itself.

Is evoke a triggered ability?

702.74a Evoke represents two abilities: a static ability that functions in any zone from which the card with evoke can be cast and a triggered ability that functions on the battlefield.

What is evoke magic?

Evoke is a keyword ability that allows a player to pay an alternative cost for a creature spell that possesses this ability; however, if the evoke cost is paid, the creature is sacrificed when it enters the battlefield.

Can you evoke from exile?

The cycle of mythic rare Elementals in the set all have evoke, but instead of paying mana to evoke them, you must exile a card of the same color from your hand. These creatures all have solid stats and abilities, so you’ll be just as happy to cast them as you will be evoking them.

What is evoke treatment?

Evoke is the first-ever facial remodeling device, and tighten, rejuvenate, and slenderize the tissues of the lower face and neck. Fat is permanently contoured while the low face is visibly lifted, making this the biggest breakthrough for the lower face in years.

Can you sacrifice in response to exile?

You can. Only if the spell has split second (like Sudden Shock) you cannot.

Is evoke permanent?

Results of Evoke treatments are long-lasting but not permanent. While it effectively reduces the signs of aging on the face, it cannot stop the natural course of the aging process after a treatment.