What does it mean when your DHEA sulfate is high?

07/06/2019 Off By admin

What does it mean when your DHEA sulfate is high?

If your level of DHEA-S is high, it means that your body is making too much of the hormones. This excess may be related to adrenal cancer, tumors, or excess growth of adrenal hormone-producing tissue (hyperplasia). If your DHEA level is low, it may mean that your adrenal glands are not making enough hormones.

What is considered a high level of DHEA?

Mild elevations in adults are usually idiopathic, but levels of 600 mcg/dL or more can suggest the presence of an androgen-secreting adrenal tumor. DHEA-S levels are elevated in more than 90% of patients with such tumors, usually well above 600 mcg/dL.

What level should your DHEA be?

Normal DHEAS levels vary by age and gender. In women, normal levels in 18- and 19-year-olds range from 145 to 395 micrograms per deciliter (mcg/dL), before declining. In your 20s, DHEAS levels range between 65 and 380 mcg.

What happens if your DHEA levels are low?

A low level of DHEA-S might mean: A damaged adrenal gland. Addison’s disease, a rare condition that causes weak muscles, lack of energy, weight loss, and low blood pressure. Hypopituitarism, a rare hormonal disease that can lead to tiredness, low sex drive, infertility, weight loss, and short height in children.

What is the treatment for high DHEA sulfate levels?

In the case of an adrenal tumor, you may need surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy. If you have congenital adrenal hyperplasia or polycystic ovary syndrome, you may require hormone therapy to stabilize your level of DHEA.

Does low DHEA cause weight gain?

Side Effects May increase the risk of developing prostate, breast, ovarian, uterine, or cervical cancer and malignant melanoma or other hormonally-affected cancers. Hormonal side effects can be significant, including acne, skin changes, excess hair or hair loss, increased sweating, and weight gain.

What are the signs of low DHEA?

Symptoms of low levels of DHEAS may include the following signs of an adrenal gland disorder: Unexplained weight loss. Nausea and vomiting….Other symptoms of low DHEAS are related to aging and may include:

  • Decreased sex drive.
  • Erectile dysfunction in men.
  • Thinning of vaginal tissues in women.

Does DHEA really work?

DHEA Supplements for Health Conditions In a small, six-week study, researchers from the National Institute of Mental Health found that treatment with DHEA supplements helped relieve mild to moderate depression that occurs in some middle-aged people. DHEA may also be effective for improving aging skin in the elderly.

What are the common causes of elevated DHEA levels?

Common causes of elevated DHEA levels include stress, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), hyperinsulinemia and androgen-secreting tumors (ASTs). People who choose to take DHEA supplements might also raise their DHEA levels above the normal range.

What causes low DHEA sulfate?

A low level of DHEA-S might mean: A damaged adrenal gland. Addison’s disease, a rare condition that causes weak muscles, lack of energy, weight loss, and low blood pressure. Hypopituitarism, a rare hormonal disease that can lead to tiredness, low sex drive, infertility, weight loss, and short height in children.

What are normal DHEA levels?

DHEA levels begin to naturally decline by the age of 30. While normal levels for women in their 20s fall between 65 and 380 µg/dL, for women in their 30s and 40s, the average normal range is 45 to 270 and 32 to 240 µg/dL, respectively.

Does DHEA do any good or harm?

While some research suggests that DHEA might be slightly helpful in treating osteoporosis, depression and vaginal atrophy, there’s little evidence to support anti-aging claims. Also, DHEA use can cause serious side effects. Avoid using this supplement.