What does kd19 HT mean?

10/27/2019 Off By admin

What does kd19 HT mean?

heat treated
The kd19 is the customers assurance that it was dried to the proper level before it left the plant. HT (heat treated) is a fairly new standard the the Euro’s think they discovered after a serious bug infestation that wiped out a lot of their timberland a few years back.

What does Spib on lumber mean?

Any lumber marked as SPIB, with no additional species designation, is Southern Pine (also referred to as Southern Yellow Pine and often abbreviated as SYP). Lumber containing the minor species will be labeled as Mixed Southern Pine.

Is KD-HT pressure treated?

The wood shown in this picture is a No 2 grade, KD-HT (Kiln-Dried, Heat Treated), S-P-F (Spruce-Pine-Fir). It has nothing to do with the wood being pressure treated (PT) at all. However, some KD-HT wood at your local lumber yard might have a tag on the end of the lumber that specifies PT.

What does Prime KD-HT mean?

(KD-HT means the wood was also heat treated to kill pests, a requirement for imported lumber.)

Is HT wood safe to burn?

Heat treated is no different than kiln dried lumber. Just like any 2×4 you would buy at Home Depot. Perfectly safe to burn. There is no chemical residue in the wood.

What is HT stamped on wood?

Each piece of wood used in the packaging, including braces and struts, must be stamped with “HT” meaning “heat treated,” or “KD HT” meaning “kiln-dried and heat treated,” to comply with the standard. The stamp “HT” is sometimes referred to as the “wheat stamp.”

What is better #1 or #2 lumber?

#1 Grade: When appearance becomes more of a factor, #1 Grade will contain smaller, fewer, sound, tight knots and have less wane than found in #2 Grade. While it can have wane similar to that found in #1 Grade, it has tighter growth rings and contains smaller and fewer knots.

What is #2 SPF lumber?

SPF Lumber Grades Canadian SPF lumber is graded according to the rules of the National Lumber Grades Authority. #2 SPF is the most common grade for framing and dimensional lumber, and it’s used in home and commercial construction, along with #3 SPF and stud grade lumber.

Will pressure treated wood rot on concrete?

Pressure treated wood will eventually rot in concrete….not nearly as quickly as untreated, but it WILL eventually. And any structures lateral strength comes from proper construction, not inserting the support members in concrete….

What does KD19 mean?

KD19. Lumber that is kiln-dried to 19% moisture content. (See KD15, kiln-dried, and air dried).

Can you burn pallet wood HT?

“Pallets that have been dried with heat are completely safe to burn, they will be marked H/T (heat treated not with chemicals).