What does low serum copper mean?

02/22/2020 Off By admin

What does low serum copper mean?

Background: Low serum copper is often indicative of copper deficiency. Acquired copper deficiency can cause hematological/neurological manifestations. Wilson disease (copper toxicity) is associated with neurological manifestations and low serum copper, with copper deposited in tissues responsible for the toxicity.

What causes low serum copper?

Common causes Many times, copper deficiency is the result of stomach surgery that can affect absorption. Zinc supplementation is also a common cause of copper deficiency. This is because zinc and copper compete for absorption in the stomach, with zinc being the usual winner. As a result, copper isn’t absorbed.

What is serum copper level?

Copper reference ranges are as follows: Free serum copper: 1.6-2.4 μmol/L or 10-15μg/dL. Total copper: 10-22 μmol/L or 63.7-140.12 μg/dL. Serum ceruloplasmin: 2.83-5.50 μmol/L or 18-35 μg/dL.

Why is serum copper low in Wilson’s disease?

In Wilson disease, copper is not put in ceruloplasmin. The disease also keeps your liver from sending extra copper to be eliminated in your bowel movements. Instead, copper builds up in your liver until it overflows into the bloodstream.

What are the signs of copper deficiency?

Many people do not get enough copper in their diet, but it is rare to be truly deficient in copper. Signs of possible copper deficiency include anemia, low body temperature, bone fractures and osteoporosis, low white blood cell count, irregular heartbeat, loss of pigment from the skin, and thyroid problems.

How do you treat low copper levels?

Fortunately, eating more copper-rich foods can help reverse these effects. Copper deficiency may weaken the immune system, which can cause people to get sick more often. This can be reversed by increasing copper intake.

What diseases cause low copper levels?

Copper deficiency can also result from a rare genetic disorder called Menkes disease. This syndrome interferes with copper absorption. Copper deficiency can lead to problems with connective tissue, muscle weakness, anemia, low white blood cell count, neurological problems, and paleness. Too much copper can be toxic.

Why is my serum copper high?

Increased blood and urine copper concentrations and normal or increased ceruloplasmin levels may indicate exposure to excess copper or may be associated with conditions that decrease copper excretion, such as chronic liver disease, or that release copper from tissues, such as acute hepatitis.

What happens if your copper levels are too low?

What are the signs of low copper levels?

For example, the symptoms associated with copper deficiency are similar to those of vitamin B-12 deficiency. Low copper levels can affect a person’s immune system and energy levels. Examples include: always feeling cold. easy bone breakage. easy bruising. fatigue. getting sick easily or frequently.

What are the symptoms of low copper levels?

Without enough copper present in the body, signs of a copper deficiency can occur such as low metabolic activity, fatigue, trouble concentrating, a poor mood, and more. These are a sign that the network of reactions and metabolic pathways involving copper are suffering.

What causes low copper levels in blood?

Low levels of copper in the blood, coupled with high levels in the urine and low caeruloplasmin levels may indicate that the patient has Wilson’s disease. Decreased levels of blood and urine copper levels and caeruloplasmin levels may indicate a copper deficiency.

What is a low copper level?

Ask your healthcare provider what your test results mean for you. The normal range for total copper in the blood is 70 to 140 micrograms per deciliter (mcg/dL). A low amount of copper could mean that you have: Kidney disease. A nutritional deficiency. Inability to absorb copper.