What does the expression off the wall mean?

08/05/2020 Off By admin

What does the expression off the wall mean?

: highly unusual : bizarre an off-the-wall sense of humor.

What is a fancy word for off?

adj.gone; remote. adj.inferior; spoiled. adv.apart, away.

What is another word for walled off?

What is another word for walled off?

walled barricaded
blockaded blocked
closed dammed
fenced sealed
trammelled trammeled

What can I say instead of a wall?

synonyms for wall

  • bar.
  • barricade.
  • barrier.
  • dam.
  • embankment.
  • fence.
  • screen.
  • surface.

What does off the wall theories mean?

If you say that a person, their ideas, or their ways of doing something are off-the-wall, you are critical of them because you think they are crazy or very foolish. [informal, disapproval] It can be done without following some absurd, off-the-wall investment strategy.

What does off the wall mean vans?

“Off The Wall” was a term coined when skateboarders in the mid ’70s were landing new tricks in empty pools by literally skating off the wall. These individuals were not only the pioneers of skateboarding, but also lived and breathed creativity through art, music, fashion and local culture.

What is the synonym word of on?

In this page you can discover 54 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for on, like: above, upon, whereunto, beside, on security, underneath, forward, toward, adjacent to, be on and moving over.

What is the synonym of nap?

In this page you can discover 40 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for nap, like: siesta, cat-nap, doze, woof, wale, snooze, warp and weft, roughness, smoothness, sleep and grain.

What’s the meaning of Sophrosyne?

1 : temperance sense 2. 2a : self-control. b : prudence —contrasted with hubris.

What is the opposite of a wall?

What is the opposite of wall?

opening hole
outlet portal
access entranceway
entryway interstice
passageway cranny

What is the synonym of brick?

nounsun-dried brick. brick. clay. house. mudcap.