What does the UAE export to China?

09/23/2019 Off By admin

What does the UAE export to China?

United Arab Emirates Exports to China Value Year
Machinery, nuclear reactors, boilers $864.50M 2019
Mineral fuels, oils, distillation products $559.89M 2019
Copper $179.25M 2019
Animal, vegetable fats and oils, cleavage products $161.80M 2019

What does UAE import from China?

China – 13.9% Primary products: machinery and electrical equipment, textiles, metals, plastics and chemical products, and furniture.

Where does UAE export its oil to?

United Arab Emirates Crude Oil: Exports data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries….Buy Selected Data.

country/region Last
Russia (Barrel/Day th) 4,653.500 2020
Saudi Arabia (Barrel/Day th) 6,658.642 2020
Sudan (Barrel/Day th) 135.431 2020

What are the top 3 exports of the UAE?

Exports The top exports of United Arab Emirates are Crude Petroleum ($57.2B), Refined Petroleum ($32.1B), Gold ($21.4B), Jewellery ($13.7B), and Broadcasting Equipment ($12B), exporting mostly to India ($26.8B), Japan ($24B), Saudi Arabia ($17.9B), Switzerland ($15.1B), and China ($14.7B).

What is Dubai’s biggest export?

crude oil
The main export commodities include natural gas and crude oil, as well as foodstuffs and products which will be re-exported. Dubai also exports metals, like aluminum or copper, where the main export partners are Japan, South Korea, Thailand, India, and Iran.

What are the top 3 exports from Dubai?

Those top export products are crude oil (32.7% of total), gold (18%), processed petroleum oils (12.2%), diamonds (4.3%), petroleum gases (4%), aluminum (3%) and jewelry (2.3%).

Which country is the largest trading partner of the UAE?

China is Dubai’s largest trading partner, contributing US$29 billion to the economy in 2019, a 6% increase on the year before. India is the second-biggest trading partner, contributing over US$27 billion, a growth of 16% followed by the USA with US$15.5 billion and Switzerland US$12.7 billion.

Is everyone in UAE rich?

Everyone isn’t rich in Dubai. Only about 15 percent of its residents are native to the emirate. It is true that Dubai is part of the UAE which is one of the top ten richest countries in the world, but not everyone in the emirate is rich. It is estimated that close to 20 percent of the population lives in poverty.

How much does the United Arab Emirates export?

This page displays a table with United Arab Emirates Exports By Country in U.S. dollars, according to the United Nations COMTRADE database on international trade.

Is the UAE a net exporter of oil?

The UAE has highly positive net exports in the international trade of petroleum oils. In turn, these cashflows indicate UAE’s strong competitive advantages under the mineral fuels including oil product category.

How much oil does China import from Saudi Arabia?

China’s crude oil imports from Saudi Arabia increased by more than 0.5 million b/d in 2019 to 1.7 million b/d, or 16% of total crude oil imports.

How much crude oil does China produce per year?

Although China’s domestic crude oil production increased 0.1 million b/d in 2019—averaging 4.9 million b/d—it has remained essentially flat since 2012, ranging between 4.8 million b/d and 5.2 million b/d.