What Does Thermal Imaging Bring To Pest Control

What Does Thermal Imaging Bring To Pest Control

12/03/2021 Off By admin
What Does Thermal Imaging Bring To Pest Control

The history of the pest control industry dovetails perfectly with technological advancement. In fact, this industry only started once chemists began brewing ultra-powerful chemical compounds. These were soon applied to the problem of killing pests, and thus pest control was born.

Since then technology and the pest control industry has only grown by leaps and bounds. Today pest controllers use a wide variety of sophisticated tools. These include things like sophisticated pesticides and chemicals, as well as fumigators, sprays and others deadly substances. We also use advanced technology like heating machines and also complex traps and snares.

There is now a new piece of technology known as thermal imaging. To put it simply, these are cameras which can detect infrared radiation in the electromagnetic spectrum. What that essentially means in terms of how thermal imaging works is that these cameras to pick up heat.

This is extremely useful for pest control inspectors. Pests are quite often difficult to find. Sometimes it can be impossible to root them out. The majority of pests, including rodents, are small, and squeeze themselves into the tiniest spaces. This makes the pest inspectors job difficult.

But like most creatures, pests give off heat. This is especially true when large groups of pests are gathered together. Say for example, you have rats in your attic. This will give off a definite heat signature. Even insects like cockroaches and bed bugs will give off a heat signal.

What this means is that thermal imaging can be used to detect and track down pests. Not only that, it makes the pests inspectors job far easier and greatly increases their effectiveness. Besides this, thermal imaging technology has many advantages for pest technicians. For example, there are times when pest issues are almost invisible and cannot be seen with the naked eye. This could be in dark or underground areas. By using thermal imaging cameras, invisible pests can be unearthed.

These cameras are also a big help in places that inspectors cannot readily access. These places could include pipes, walls cavities, and hard to reach places. This is especially useful when dealing with bird pests. Instead of climbing onto the roof, all the inspector has to do is point their camera at the roof. The presence of birds can be quickly confirmed in this way. This brings us to another advantage of these cameras, which is that they can detect pests at a great distance.

This saves pest technicians in East London a great deal of trouble. Instead of disrupting business while looking for pests, the technician simply has to point their camera in the right direction. Thermal imaging cameras are also incredibly simply to use. They are literally a point and click solution for finding pests. What’s more, these cameras can do more than detect pests. During inspections our technicians often discover maintenance problems when using the cameras. This includes electrical and structural issues which could result in deadly consequences.

That being said, while this tool enhances the inspectors abilities, it does not replace them. Once heat signatures are detected it’s still necessary to get your hands dirty. You have to investigate if there are actually pests present, and also the severity of the infestation.

Know, Olathe pest control

The bottom line is that thermal imaging cameras are an extremely valuable tool for pest inspectors. They allow us to do our job with increased efficiency and effectiveness. They also make it easier to find pests and eventually exterminate them.