What does ulnar negative variance mean?

03/20/2019 Off By admin

What does ulnar negative variance mean?

Negative ulnar variance is a condition in which the ulna is relatively shorter than the radius at the carpus. While the reasons for this association have yet to be adequately delineated, the presence of a negative ulnar variant may serve as an impartial clue to the presence of ligamentous instability.

What is the consequence of negative ulnar variance?

Anatomically, negative ulnar variance (UV), may increase the mechanical stress on the lunate exerted by a relatively long radius [3,4]. In addition, individuals with vascular abnormalities including a single blood vessel supply to the lunate are thought to be at a higher risk of developing avascular necrosis [5].

How is ulnar variance treated?

For most patients, corrective osteotomy of the radius is the mainstay of treatment. However, depending on the degree of malunion and the patient’s functional requirements, ulnar shortening osteotomy and distal ulnar resection are alternative options for the management of ulnar-sided wrist pain.

What does ulnar variance mean?

Ulnar variance (also known as Hulten variance) refers to the relative lengths of the distal articular surfaces of the radius and ulna. Ulnar variance may be: neutral (both the ulnar and radial articular surfaces at the same level) positive (ulna projects more distally) negative (ulna projects more proximally)

How common is ulnar variance?

Current literature reviews suggest a rate of 3–9% of all sports injuries involve the hand or wrist, with 25–50% recognized as overuse injuries. Ulnar impaction syndrome, or ulnocarpal abutment, is a common degenerative condition causing ulnar-sided wrist pain.

What causes ulnar negative variance?

The length is determined by age, genetic factors, load (i.e. gymnasts) and gross elbow pathology. The negative ulnar variance or short ulna has been associated with Kienböck’s disease, avascular necrosis of the scaphoid and scapholunate dissociations.

How is ulnar variance calculated?

To determine ulnar variance on radiographs, the generally accepted standard view is a posteroanterior view obtained with the wrist in neutral forearm rotation, the elbow flexed 90° and the shoulder abducted 90°.

Can positive ulnar variance cause pain?

Ulnar impaction syndrome is caused by the impaction between the ulnar carpal bone and the ulnar head, a phenomenon that can also lead to ulnar-sided wrist pain and that tends to occur when there is positive ulnar variance and a degenerative/osteoarthritic condition of the ulnar side of the wrist related to excessive …

What is the difference between negative and positive ulnar variance?

Ulnar impingement syndrome, a wrist condition caused by a shortened distal ulna impinging on the distal radius proximal to the sigmoid notch of radius, is usually due to acquired ulnar shortening but can be due to de novo negative ulnar variance 2. ulnar variance positive ulnar variance.

Is there a difference between ulna variance and wrist shortening?

Ulna Variance and Ulna Shortening – WristWidget® Oftentimes when speaking with patients, they report that their doctor states that they have a positive ulnar variance. They are discouraged as it sounds permanent and only resolved with ulnar shortening surgery.

What’s the difference between ulnar and radial length?

Neutral ulnar variance (ulnar zero) difference between ulnar and radial length is <1mm. Positive ulnar variance ulnar sided wrist pain from increased impact stress on the lunate and triquetrum. UV becomes more positive in pronation.

Can a person with an ulnar positive wrist have UIS?

Therefore, although UIS is most common in those with an ulnar positive wrist, it can also occur in wrists with either negative or neutral variance. Ulnar impaction syndrome is insidious and progressive, so patients can have the syndrome without symptoms or can be severely symptomatic when presenting to physical therapy.