What happens if you hit your head on the pavement?

12/04/2020 Off By admin

What happens if you hit your head on the pavement?

A hard blow to the head can shake your brain inside the skull. The result: bruises, broken blood vessels, or nerve damage to the brain. A hard hit that doesn’t cause bleeding or an opening in your skull could be a closed brain injury.

When should you go to the doctor after hitting your head?

When should I see my doctor? You should see your doctor after a head injury if you have any of the symptoms listed above. You should see your doctor right away or go to the emergency room if you have bad headaches, repeated vomiting, difficulty using your arms or legs, or worsening sleepiness or confusion.

Should I go to the ER if I hit my head on concrete?

Should I Go to the Hospital for a Concussion? In general, any head injury associated with loss of consciousness, seizures, prolonged confusion or amnesia, neck pain, vomiting or numbness or weakness in arms or legs should be transported to the emergency room in an ambulance right away.

What is the most sensitive part of the head?

The Prefrontal Cortex Is the Most Sensitive Place in the Frontal Lobe. Within the frontal lobe, the most susceptible area to injury lies at the very front of the brain behind the skull. This small area of the brain largely controls the personality-creating functionality mentioned earlier.

What is the most sensitive part of the male body?

We list the 6 erogenous zones in men that you should start working on!

  • Ears. Sensually swirl your tongue into his ears, nipple and suck on his ear lobes.
  • Neck. Men have certain erogenous points around the neck – it can above the collarbone or at the end of his hairline.
  • Scrotum.
  • Nipples.
  • Perineum.
  • Skin.

What part of a girls body is most sensitive?

Here’s what they found. For light touch, the neck, forearm, and vaginal margin are the most sensitive areas, and the areola is the least sensitive. When it comes to pressure, the clitoris and nipple are the most sensitive, and the side boob and abdomen are the least.