What is a NH-04 pay grade?

06/04/2019 Off By admin

What is a NH-04 pay grade?

Redstone Arsenal, Al: Position will be filled at the NH-04 Medium starting salary of $112,548 to $155,853. Do you enjoy challenges and seek opportunities?

What is a NH 4 equivalent to GS?

NH-04 was a pay band of GS-14 through GS-15.

What does NH mean in pay scale?

Trey: the NH payscale is just a payband for acq coded personel. Basically one of the ways the gov’t tried rewarding performance by giving managers flexibility increasing pay. Most places are phasing out non GS pay schedules though. If that happens the person is converted to an equivilant pay in the GS system.

What is an NH 4?

(əˈmoʊ ni əm) n. the univalent ion, NH4 + , or group, NH4, which plays the part of a metal in the salt formed when ammonia reacts with an acid.

What does NH stand for?

Acronym Definition
NH New Hampshire (US postal abbreviation)
NH New Haven
NH Nursing Home
NH National Highway (Australia, India)

What GS is NH 03?

The NH-03 pay band goes up to a GS-13/Step 10, meaning that if you are in an NH-03 position, you will become a GS-13 equivalent non-competitively.

What military rank is equivalent to GS-14?

Lieutenant Colonel
Equivalent Civilian to Military Ranks

Civilian Grade Military Rank Army Title
GS-10 O-2 First Lieutenant
GS-11, GS-12 O-3 Captain
GS-13 O-4 Major
GS-14 O-5 Lieutenant Colonel

What’s the pay limit for a NH 4 position?

As long as the position isn’t “capped”, you should be able to rise to a 15 equivalent without further competition. The one exception is if they cap the current position. There are some NH-4 positions, particularly non-supervisory NH-4s, where the pay is capped at a GS-14/Step 10 equivalent.

How much does a NH-III selectee make?

NH-III selectee’s salary is $58,000 – Pay Setting between 6% – 20 % – Decision is to give 20%; $58,000 x 1.20% = $69,600. NH-IV. $70,205 $107,357. Minimum – But minimum NH-IV salary is $70,205

Is the NH-4 pay band the same as Step 1?

You should retain the same pay rate since the NH-4 pay band ranges from GS-14/Step 1 to GS-15/Step 10 equivalent. As long as the position isn’t “capped”, you should be able to rise to a 15 equivalent without further competition. The one exception is if they cap the current position.

What does the Office of Personnel Management Pay Plan mean?

Fact Sheet: Pay Plans. Definition. A pay plan is a two-digit alphabetical code used to identify Federal civilian pay systems. The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) approves pay plan codes for agency use.