What is a public consultation EU?

05/17/2019 Off By admin

What is a public consultation EU?

Through public consultations you can express your views on the scope, priorities and added value of EU action for new initiatives, or evaluations of existing policies and laws.

How do you qualify for EU citizenship?

In order to qualify, you need to have either parents, grandparents, or in some cases, great-grandparents who are/were born citizens of the European country in question. The number of generations which you can trace back to qualify depends on the particular country’s citizenship by descent rules.

Who may be considered as EU citizens?

Article 20 (1) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union states that: “Citizenship of the Union is hereby established. Every person holding the nationality of a Member State shall be a citizen of the Union. Citizenship of the Union shall be additional to and not replace national citizenship.”

How long does it take to get an EU citizenship?

Citizenship by Investment Programs or EU residency programs are the fastest way to get European citizenship. In exchange for a qualifying investment in the nation, you and your family can get EU passports in as little as six months, depending on what country program you pick.

How does a public consultation work?

Public consultation is a process that involves the public in providing their views and feedback on a proposal to consider in the decision-making. Secondly, those decision-makers are not necessarily experts on the issues for which they are deciding or debating.

What consultation means?

: a meeting in which someone (such as a doctor or lawyer) talks to a person about a problem, question, etc. : a discussion about something that is being decided. : the act of looking for information in a book, on a map, etc.

What happens when you marry a European citizen?

What happens when you marry an EU citizen? If you marry an EU citizen, you will be granted certain rights under EU law. In the UK, as from 30 June 2021 EU law will no longer apply, where you and your spouse will need to apply for permission prior to that date under the EU Settlement Scheme.

Can you be resident in two EU countries?

As a long-term resident in one EU country, can I live and work in a second EU country? Yes. You can stay in a second EU country for more than three months for purposes including work, study or training, if you apply for and are granted a residence permit in this second country.

Can you marry into EU citizenship?

2) Marriage That said, if you marry an EU citizen, you can generally get a residence permit and work toward citizenship via naturalization just like everyone else. Some countries shorten the naturalization timeline for spouses, others do not, but all offer some type of route to citizenship via marriage.

When did the European citizenship report come out?

The European Commission is currently working on the 2016 citizenship report. The Commission launched a public consultation on 14th September 2015 to gather the experiences and ideas of the citizens on how to make life easier in the Europe.

Where can I find the EU public consultations?

Through public consultations you can express your views on the scope, priorities and added value of EU action for new initiatives, or evaluations of existing policies and laws. The content of this site is archived. All public consultations since November 2018 can be found on the Have your say portal alongside other feedback opportunities.

What do you need to know about European citizenship?

The 1992 treaty formally introduced the legal concept of the European citizenship. A European citizen must hold the nationality of an European nation. Belonging to the European Union does not replace nationality and each European country is required to come up with conditions for the loss and acquisition of the nationality of the country.

What are the requirements for dual citizenship in the EU?

Dual Citizenship In The EU. To obtain dual nationality with the EU, you must meet all the requirements and apply with one country within the union after confirming that it complies with the current rules of the first citizenship. You don’t need an agency or a lawyer to help you with making the application.