What is a spore-bearing structure?

05/15/2020 Off By admin

What is a spore-bearing structure?

Definition: The process whose specific outcome is the progression of a spore-bearing structure over time, from its formation to the mature structure. A spore-bearing structure is an anatomical structure that produces new spores.

What is the function of the Sporocarp?

A sporocarp is a specialised type of structure in the aquatic ferns of the order Salviniales whose primary function is the production and release of spores. Sporocarps are found only in the Salviniales, a group that is aquatic and heterosporous, but the structures are very different in the two families of the order.

What does spore mean?

(Entry 1 of 3) : a primitive usually unicellular often environmentally resistant dormant or reproductive body produced by plants, fungi, and some microorganisms and capable of development into a new individual either directly or after fusion with another spore. spore. verb.

What is the meaning of spore-bearing?

Definitions of spore-bearing. adjective. bearing spores instead of producing seeds. Synonyms: flowerless, nonflowering. without flower or bloom and not producing seeds.

What role do spores play in the reproduction of fungi?

Spores allow fungi to expand their distribution and colonize new environments. They may be released from the parent thallus, either outside or within a special reproductive sac called a sporangium.

What is the difference between sporangium and sporocarp?

As nouns the difference between sporocarp and sporangium is that sporocarp is the structure on a fungus which houses the spore-producing organs while sporangium is (botany|mycology) a case, capsule, or container in which spores are produced by an organism.

What is a spore in medical terms?

A spore is a cell that certain fungi, plants (moss, ferns), and bacteria produce. Spores are involved in reproduction. The bacteria Clostridia form spores. These spores create the bacteria that cause a rare condition called gas gangrene and a type of colitis that is linked to use of antibiotics.

What are spore bearing plants called?

Ferns, lycophytes, mosses, liverworts, and hornworts (the latter three are collectively termed bryophytes) reproduce via spores. The fossil record of spore-bearing plants is extensive, beginning with the cryptophytes that were the first plants to invade the land.

How are spores produced in a gamete bearing plant?

Produced by the sporophyte (i.e., spore-bearing) generation, plant spores give rise to the haploid gametophyte (i.e., gamete-bearing) generation. Spores are most conspicuous in the non-seed-bearing plants, including liverworts, hornworts, mosses, and ferns. In these lower plants, as in fungi, the spores function much like seeds.

How are spores ejected from the reproductive structures of fungi?

Spores being ejected by fungi. In fungi, both asexual and sexual spores or sporangiospores of many fungal species are actively dispersed by forcible ejection from their reproductive structures. This ejection ensures exit of the spores from the reproductive structures as well as travelling through the air over long distances.

Which is the correct definition of the word fungible?

Noun. Fungible – which derives from the Latin verb fungi, meaning “to perform (no relation to the noun “fungus” and its plural “fungi”) – is a word that often shows up in legal contexts. Something fungible can be exchanged for something else of the same kind. For example, we could say “oil is a fungible commodity.”.

Where do the spores of a flowering plant come from?

Such plants typically give rise to the two kind of spores from within separate sporangia, either a megasporangium that produces megaspores or a microsporangium that produces microspores. In flowering plants, these sporangia occur within the carpel and anthers, respectively.