What is after insert trigger?

07/11/2020 Off By admin

What is after insert trigger?

An AFTER INSERT Trigger means that MySQL will fire this trigger after the INSERT operation is executed.

What are after triggers in MySQL?

Types of Triggers in MySQL?

  • Before Insert: It is activated before the insertion of data into the table.
  • After Insert: It is activated after the insertion of data into the table.
  • Before Update: It is activated before the update of data in the table.
  • After Update: It is activated after the update of the data in the table.

How can you create before and after triggers on insert query?

In this syntax: First, specify the name of the trigger that you want to create in the CREATE TRIGGER clause. Second, use BEFORE INSERT clause to specify the time to invoke the trigger. Third, specify the name of the table that the trigger is associated with after the ON keyword.

What is triggers in MySQL with example?

In MySQL, a trigger is a stored program invoked automatically in response to an event such as insert, update, or delete that occurs in the associated table. For example, you can define a trigger that is invoked automatically before a new row is inserted into a table.

How do you insert a trigger?

Introduction to MySQL AFTER INSERT triggers First, specify the name of the trigger that you want to create after the CREATE TRIGGER keywords. Second, use AFTER INSERT clause to specify the time to invoke the trigger. Third, specify the name of the table on which you want to create the trigger after the ON keyword.

How can I see triggers in MySQL?

SHOW TRIGGERS lists the triggers currently defined for tables in a database (the default database unless a FROM clause is given). This statement returns results only for databases and tables for which you have the TRIGGER privilege.

How do you create a trigger insert?

First, we will specify the name of the trigger that we want to create. It should be unique within the schema. Second, we will specify the trigger action time, which should be AFTER INSERT clause to invoke the trigger. Third, we will specify the name of a table to which the trigger is associated.

Where do I put triggers in MySQL?

To create a trigger or drop a trigger, use the CREATE TRIGGER or DROP TRIGGER statement, described in Section 13.1. 22, “CREATE TRIGGER Statement”, and Section 13.1. 34, “DROP TRIGGER Statement”. Here is a simple example that associates a trigger with a table, to activate for INSERT operations.