What is an alternative to the phrase bring to your attention?

10/02/2019 Off By admin

What is an alternative to the phrase bring to your attention?

What is another word for I’d like to bring to your attention?

for your information FYI
I’d like to notify you it should be mentioned that
just so you know just so you’re aware
just to let you know so you know
for your attention for your perusal

How do I bring into my notice?

Definition of bring (something) to someone’s notice : to tell someone about (something) He brought the problem to my notice.

Will bring to your attention?

bring something to someone’s attention. to make someone aware of something; to mention or show something to someone. I would like to bring this problem to your attention.

When people bring something to your attention?

bring something to someone’s attention. to make someone aware of something; to mention or show something to someone. I would like to bring this problem to your attention. If there is something I should know about, please bring it to my attention.

What is another way to say I would like to?

What is another word for would like?

feel like hanker after
would rather try to get
look for welcome
take a shine to enjoy
ask adore

How do you draw attention?

draw attention to in a sentence

  1. Even the hint of transgression draws attention to a highly ranked team.
  2. Other protesters seek to draw attention to labor conditions around the world.
  3. I use design to draw attention to myself and to my work.
  4. He can also use the election to draw attention to his agenda.

What does draw attention mean?

draw (someone’s) attention to something/someone to make someone notice something or someone: She jumped and shouted to draw attention to herself.

How to use ” to bring to your attention “?

If we put the phrases in the normal order, the sentence looks like this: I’m writing to bring [the unprofessional attitude of one of your staff members] to your attention. This last clause has the same structure as: bring a friend to the party. Araucaria – Not here any more. Araucaria – Not here any more.

Is it correct to call someone’s attention to something?

is not correct grammatically. You can bring something to someone’s attention, but you cannot bring someone’s attention to something. However, you can call/draw someone’s attention to something. So you can say: “I am writing to draw/call your attention to the unprofessional attitude of ………..”.

What is the opposite of ” bring attention to “?

To emphasize, stress, or indicate the importance of Find more words! What is the opposite of bring attention to? What is the past tense of bring attention to?