What is cephalothorax with example?

01/30/2020 Off By admin

What is cephalothorax with example?

The definition of a cephalothorax is the head and chest on crustaceans and arachnids. An example of a cephalothorax is the head and chest of a crab. The combined head and thorax of arachnids, such as spiders, and of many crustaceans, such as crabs.

What is the meaning of prosoma?

: the anterior region of the body of an invertebrate (such as an arachnid) especially when the segmentation is suppressed or obscured especially : cephalothorax.

What are the root words of cephalothorax?

The word cephalothorax is derived from the Greek words for head (κεφαλή, kephalé) and thorax (θώραξ, thórax).

What is the function of cephalothorax?

The cephalothorax or prosoma is the anterior most of the two body parts of arachnids (the other part being the abdomen or opisthosoma). The cephalothorax features the eyes, mouth and legs of the arachnid. The cephalothorax is more rigid than the abdomen and contains the muscles used to operate the limbs.

What animals have a cephalothorax?

Cephalothorax: The Animal Files. In some arthropods, the Cephalothorax is a section of the body that combines the head and the thorax. Arachnids and crustaceans have a Cephalothorax.

Do crabs have a cephalothorax?

crab, crustacean with an enlarged cephalothorax covered by a broad, flat shell called the carapace. Although they are capable of locomotion in all directions, crabs tend to move sideways; swimming crabs have the last pair of legs flattened to form paddles.

What is the definition of Chelicerae?

: one of the anterior pair of appendages of an arachnid often specialized as fangs.

What is Pseudopodia in simple words?

Pseudopodia are temporary and cytoplasm-filled parts of the cell membrane that are able to change their form in order to move. They are used in some eukaryotic cells to move around or to eat. Most cells that do this are called amoeboids. The amoeba is a common example.

Which is the best definition of a cephalothorax?

The definition of a cephalothorax is the head and chest on crustaceans and arachnids.

What kind of Brown is the cephalothorax and legs?

The cephalothorax is dark brown, darkest in front, and the legs are a little lighter brown, without markings. The cephalothorax has a dark brown band along the edge on each side, which is larger and darker in the males. The cephalothorax is dark brown, with the legs lighter and more yellow.

What kind of animal has a fused head and thorax?

The combined head and thorax of arachnids, such as spiders, and of many crustaceans, such as crabs. (anatomy) The fused head and thorax of spiders and crustaceans.

Which is part of arachnid has a fused head and thorax?

The anterior section of arachnids and many crustaceans, consisting of the fused head and thorax. From the New Latin cephal, from Ancient Greek κεφαλή (kephalē, “head”) + thorax.