What is Cfetp ensure?

04/21/2019 Off By admin

What is Cfetp ensure?

The CFETP ensures individuals in this specialty receive effective and efficient training at appropriate points in their career. It provides a clear career path to success and instills rigor in all aspects of career field training.

Who is the approval authority for the Cfetp 3f5x1?

Coordination and Approval of the CFETP. The AFCFM is the approval authority. Also, the AFCFM will initiate an annual review of this document to ensure currency and accuracy. MAJCOM representatives and AETC training personnel will identify and coordinate on the career field training requirements.

What does Cfetp stand for Air Force?

This Career Field Education and Training Plan (CFETP) is a comprehensive education and training document that identifies life-cycle education/training requirements, training support resources and minimum core task requirements for this specialty.

What is the purpose of Cfetp?

The CFETP is a comprehensive education and training document that identifies life-cycle education/training requirements, training support resources, and minimum core task requirements for this specialty.

What AFSC is 3f5x1?

Provides executive administrative support to General Officers and Senior Executive Service civilians, to include arranging travel and lodging, coordinating itineraries, and preparing trip folders. Assists in planning, preparing, arranging and conducting official functions.

What is a 3 level in the Air Force?

Upon graduation from technical school, they receive the “3” (apprentice) skill level. Airmen are normally awarded the “5” (journeyman) skill level after a period of on-the-job training and correspondence courses, or CDCs.

What does an aircraft maintenance officer do in the Air Force?

It’s up to the Aircraft Maintenance Officers to ensure that everything is in perfect working order. More than just directing essential maintenance operations, they implement crucial aircraft inspections, deliver combat support and perform airdrops all around the world.

Where can I get a QTP for the Air Force?

QTPs and STEP. QTPs and STEP were developed to support qualification training by duty position and automated CFETPs were created for documentation in TEAMS. QTPs will be available in Air Force Index (AFIND) 8, along with the CFETP, and can be ordered from your MAJCOM.

Which is the official Air Force officer classification Directory?

SUMMARY OF REVISIONS This guide is the official directory for all military officer classification descriptions, codes, and identifiers. Updates to this directory are according to the Air Force Career Field Managers’ Guide available at the myPers

What do you need to know about The CFETP?

This CFETP provides information necessary for career field managers, training management, supervisors, and trainers to plan, develop, manage, and conduct an effective and efficient career field training program.