What is Difenoconazole used for?

06/11/2019 Off By admin

What is Difenoconazole used for?

Difenoconazole is a fungicide used for disease control in many fruits, vegetables, cereals and other field crops. Although potentially a mobile molecule it is unlikely to leach due to its low aqueous solubility.

What is the use of azoxystrobin?

Azoxystrobin is the ISO common name for an organic compound that is used as a fungicide. It is a broad spectrum systemic active ingredient widely used in agriculture to protect crops from fungal diseases.

What is triazole fungicide?

Myclobutanil (MC) (Fig. 1F) is a triazole fungicide. Its action is associated with the inhibition of the synthesis of ergosterol, which is essential to the formation of fungal cell walls [54]. MC has been used in several crops to control diseases like rust, powdery mildew, and canker, caused by fungi [55].

Is Difenoconazole a systemic fungicide?

It’s a dual systemic fungicide which inhibits spore germination at the early stage of fungal development. Thus, it protects the crop against invasion by fungal pathogens.

When should fungicide be applied?

Fungal control products should be applied once every other week, for three or more applications. This means you will have to re-apply the fungicide in 7 to 14 day intervals over the growing season. The reason for this is weathering and chemical breakdown. The rates and doses listed on the product must be followed.

How does triazole fungicide work?

The triazole fungicides inhibit one specific enzyme, C14-demethylase, which plays a role in sterol produc- tion. Therefore, these fungicides result in abnormal fungal growth and eventually death. Each triazole compound may act in a slightly different part of the biochemical sterol-producing pathway.

Which is systemic fungicide?

Systemic fungicides are those that are absorbed into the plant. Locally systemic fungicides move within the plant but not far from the site of penetration. Unlike contact fungicides, systemic fungicides can sometimes be used to supress a disease after it has infected a plant.