What is river discharge GCSE geography?

09/02/2020 Off By admin

What is river discharge GCSE geography?

Discharge – The quantity of water that passes a given point on a stream or river‐bank within a given period of time.

How is river discharge calculated in geography?

The discharge is usually calculated as the cross sectional area (depth x width) multiplied by the velocity or speed of the water.

Where does river discharge come from?

Sources of streamflow Surface and subsurface sources: Stream discharge is derived from four sources: channel precipitation, overland flow, interflow, and groundwater. Channel precipitation is the moisture falling directly on the water surface, and in most streams, it adds very little to discharge.

Is river discharge an output?

Outputs – water leaving the system River discharge – the amount of water that passes a given point, in a given amount of time.

What is meant by river discharge?

‘River discharge’ is the volume of water flowing through a river channel; measured at any given point in cubic metres per second.

What is the long profile of a river?

The long profile of a river is a way of displaying the channel slope of a river along its entire course. Generally, in the upper part of the long profile or Thalweg there is more turbulence, lots of bed load in comparison to discharge and lots of roughness and fiction.

Where is discharge greatest in a river?

1. Large drainage basins catch more precipitation so have a higher peak discharge compared to smaller basins. Smaller basins generally have shorter lag times because precipitation does not have as far to travel. The shape of the drainage basin also affects runoff and discharge.

Which river has the largest discharge?

List of rivers by discharge

No Continent River
1 South America Amazon
2 Africa Congo
3 Asia Ganges/Brahmaputra/Meghna
4 South America Orinoco

What factors influence river discharge?

River Discharge and Factors Affecting River Discharge

  • Rock and soil type.
  • Weather conditions.
  • Type and amount of Rainfall.
  • Type of land.
  • Slope of area. Share this page. Recommended Journals.

What increased river discharge?

As the rain starts to get heavy, the soil may be saturated, thus there is an increase in surface run off. This causes water to start flowing into the river channel, causing the level of discharge to increase, making the line go up positively.

How do you calculate discharge of a river?

Measuring Discharge Discharge is the volume of water moving down a waterway per unit of time. It is most commonly expressed in cubic feet per seconds or gallons per day. To calculate discharge, multiply the area of water in a channel cross section by the average velocity of water in that cross section.