What is synonyms for blessed?

08/12/2020 Off By admin

What is synonyms for blessed?

synonyms for blessed

  • consecrated.
  • divine.
  • exalted.
  • hallowed.
  • rewarded.
  • saved.
  • holy.
  • inviolable.

What is this word blessed?

adjective. consecrated; sacred; holy; sanctified: the Blessed Sacrament. worthy of adoration, reverence, or worship: the Blessed Trinity. divinely or supremely favored; fortunate: to be blessed with a strong, healthy body; blessed with an ability to find friends. blissfully happy or contented.

What is the synonym and antonym of blessing?

approval, gracility, thanksgiving, state of grace, good will, saving grace, boon, free grace, grace, benediction, approving, grace of God, goodwill, seemliness. benediction, blessingnoun. a ceremonial prayer invoking divine protection. Synonyms: benediction, approving, grace, thanksgiving, approval, boon.

How do you say someone is blessed?

“It is a blessed place, an incubator for the regeneration of the spiritual life.”…What is another word for blessed?

fortunate lucky
blessed with good luck born under a lucky star
timely auspicious
fortuitous serendipitous
felicitous propitious

What does blessed mean biblically?

a favor or gift bestowed by God, thereby bringing happiness. the invoking of God’s favor upon a person: The son was denied his father’s blessing.

Is the word blessed religious?

Given current usage, I very much doubt blessed is strictly considered religious (whatever that might mean). A similar word is thankful, which is rarely ever ascribed to any deity in particular in popular usage.

What is a synonym for a blessed day?

1 adored, beatified, divine, hallowed, holy, revered, sacred, sanctified. 2 endowed, favoured, fortunate, granted, jammy (Brit. slang) lucky.

What’s another word for blessed or lucky?

What is another word for blessed with good luck?

jammy blessed
charmed favoredUS
favouredUK fortunate
lucky prosperous
successful advantaged